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ATMs and stores that accept debit/credit cards with chip technology


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Some do, some don't.

I got a new card in Canada with NFC (Near Field Communication), whereby you hover your card over the machine at the checkout, gas tank, or ATM. This tech is very popular up there; has anyone seen it around here?

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I have not seen it in Mexico. But now I understand what that small picture meant about reading my card at a Seattle, Bank of America ATM machine. So sorry I have never seen it down south, but at least I know what to look for when I return.

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7 minutes ago, johanson said:

When I see 17.9 I think that could be the exchange rate between US dollars and Mexican pesos. I hope I am wrong and that this figure is the fee to use said ATM

It's the fee. I used a Mexican card. There would have been no reason to display an USD exchange rate.

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While your card likely has a chip in it, they all still have magnetic strips, as well. This way stores and ATMs that that do not have chip readers can still accept the cards.

Machines that can read chips, are not supposed to allow the magnetic strips to be read and require the chip to be processed.


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