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Exactly when does Tourist Permit expire?


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This guy wants to ride his moto down here using a TIP and Tourist Permit FNM, leave the bike here for a few weeks flying back to the U.S. and then returning here.  He thinks that since the TIP has a 180 day duration he won't have a problem

I am trying to explain to him that as soon as he leaves the country, the Tourist Permit expires and under the law the bike has to leave at the same time.  I'm trying to find the exactly law/regulation in understandable form to refer him to.

Can anyone provide a reference?


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If he is skeptical, or wants to argue the point, just have him search with “Importada temporal, vehiculos, Mexico“, and all the sources will pop up. He can search the details for himself, in Spanish.  Otherwise, who knows, he might get lucky, or might end up walking, or even visiting a jail.  Some folks just wont believe anything, unless they see it on the internet.:rolleyes:

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The term to return the temporarily imported vehicles by Mexicans residents in a foreign country will be of 180 natural days of effective stay in the country, starting from the date of entry of the vehicle to national territory and usable in a period of twelve months, considering multiple entries and exits, guaranteed in all moments by the existing guarantee.
The term to return the temporarily imported vehicles by foreigners will be that of the term of their stay condition granted by the immigration authorities."
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Here's the thing:  He thinks he can come and go during the 180 days of the original Tourist Permit and TIP.  I am trying to explain to him that the original Tourist Permit expires when he leaves the country the first time and hence the TIP expires and he needs to take the bike with him.

That's the reference I'm looking for.  He doesn't seem to understand the Tourist Permit is good for UP TO 180 days but he can't come and go during that period and leave the moto here.  The moto is subject to the same rules as cars.

That business about multiple entrances and exits seems to suggest he is right.  But that is not how this has been explained in the past.


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There has been many discussions on this topic. The rules may be interpreted differently as Mainecoons explained.

1. The original 180 tourist FMM card is valid for 180 days therefore the TIP you recieved is also valid for 180 days - the term of stay the first immigration officer gave you.

2. The original 180 FMM tourist card expires when you leave Mexico whenever that may be therefore you are not legally in Mexico with any immigration status anymore. The term of stay granted by the Mexican Immigration expired therefore the TIP expires and the vehicle has to leave the country the same date as you leave the country.

3. Within the original granted stay in the country of 180 days you reenter Mexico and are granted another 180 day FMM tourist card therefore you are legally in the country again for 180 days and the vehicle was left behind when you exited.

4. Can this new FMM 180 day tourist card be used to transfer the TIP to your new 180 day granted stay in the country or is it only your original 180 day tourist FMM card they are talking about when it´s term is up and the vehicle has to leave the country?

Truthfully I don´t really know the answer except that you left the country and were not legally in the country at that time until you returned.

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42 minutes ago, Mainecoons said:



That business about multiple entrances and exits seems to suggest he is right.  But that is not how this has been explained in the past.


Read the rule about 12 month 180 day in the country TIPs with exit and re-enter status. It is not granted because of any immigration temporary stay but  it is only for dual citizens or Mexican citizens with legal residency in a foreign country to drive a foreign plated vehicle inside Mexico, It is not for foreigners. It is their immigration status that makes the difference.

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Yes, this has been debated for years. I have done it before, not knowing, but won't/don't do it now. Seems like the wording on the TIP is so plain and obvious that when leaving, the vehicle must also go. But some folks just want to make it fit what they want it to fit.

Here's a thought:  Since your 'friend' is so sure that his Moto will still be legal after he leaves and comes back, ask him to, when he gets back with a new Tourist Card, drive his Moto to the airport Aduana, show them the TIP and 'new' Tourist Card and ask them if the Moto is legal. He won't do that or course, but it might answer this question for us once and for all.

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I think this is what you are looking for, copied and pasted from the Immigration website


El solicitante se da por enterado que la FMM tiene una vigencia máxima de 180 días naturales y podrá utilizarla para una sola internación. El solicitante se da por enterado que la vigencia de la FMM se contará a partir del estampe del sello migratorio, siempre y cuando acredite los requisitos para ingresar a México.


So: the FMM has a maximum of 180 days, for ONE single stay, starting from the date that the FMM is stamped by the INM official approving that the other immigration requirements are met.

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Bit of an issue with pasting but here is the law. I have a very brief statement on my web site as well. 

Aduana Temporary Import Regulations (Translated)


With temporary import permit issued by Banjercito

Who can perform the procedure 

Foreigners and permanent residents Mexicans abroad, as well as those that accredit work abroad for a year or more.


1.     1. In the case of Mexicans living abroad, as well as proving work abroad for a year or more, must submit for these purposes, the document issued by the immigration authorities of the foreign country accrediting them as permanent or temporary residents abroad or the express permission of the competent authority of that country that gives them the quality of service in accordance with international agreements to which Mexico is a party.

 2. In the case of foreigners with status of stay of visitors, temporary resident and temporary resident student may temporarily import a single vehicle, the present for such effects your current passport or passport (passport card) and the official document issued by the immigration authorities.

3.     3. The applicant must prove the ownership or possession of the vehicle to be imported temporarily for such purposes must present any of the following documents in original and copy:

  • ·      Title or current registration plates accrediting them as owners of the vehicle, issued by the competent authority in the foreign country
  • ·      Lease on behalf of the importer agreement with the lessor's letter authorizing the temporary importation of the vehicle.
  •  Credit contract on behalf of the importer.
  • ·      Document proving the employment relationship of the importer and the document evidencing ownership of the vehicle by the company.
  • ·      Declare under penalty of perjury, that are committed to return the vehicle in question, within no longer authorized to perform any act or omission which configure offenses or offenses for misuse or destination. 

Who can drive the vehicle temporarily imported into country

In the case of Mexicans living abroad 

For the importer, your spouse, parents, children or siblings as long as they are permanent residents abroad, or by a condition of stay abroad temporary resident, student or temporary resident visitors. While being driven by someone other than those authorized invariably must travel aboard the importer of the vehicle. The vehicles covered by this subsection shall comply with the requirements of the Regulations.

Case of foreigners 

For the importer, your spouse, parents, children or siblings, even if they are non-resident aliens for a stay abroad provided temporary resident, student or temporary resident visitors, or by a national, provided that in the latter case, the same journey aboard any of the persons authorized to drive the vehicle and can make multiple entries and exits.

Amounts of guarantee temporary importation of vehicles

Model year

A Amount of security

2007 and beyond

$  400 dollars


 $  300 dollars

2000 and earlier

  $  200 dollars

Banjercito, return the security deposit in the same way that the person concerned constituted, provided you have registered with BANJERCITIO the definitive return of the vehicle before the permit expires. If the security deposit was made by credit card or international debit card, the refund will be made to the bank card corresponding to the banking day following the final return of the vehicle; or, if the deposit was made in cash, the return of the cash guarantee will in any CIITEV module located in the border customs.


Units that can be imported along with the vehicle

Together with the temporary importation of the vehicle you can import a boat up to four and a half meters long including the trailer for transport, cars recreational, motorcycles, tri-motorcycles, ATVs or watercraft, which have not been conceived, designed and manufactured for circulate through the general means of transportation, be they federal, state or municipal, for a maximum of three units, for which it must prove ownership of the units transported and register in the same permit temporary importation of the vehicle.

In the case of motorcycles or tri-motorcycles entering the country by its own momentum, that have foreign plates for use on the general means of communication, they must apply for a temporary import permit and comply with the requirements indicated in this document, without applying mentioned in the previous paragraph.


The deadline for returning authorized vehicles had been temporarily imported by Mexicans living abroad, it will be 180 calendar days of effective stay in the country, counting from the date of entry of the vehicle and usable national territory in a period of twelve months, considering multiple inputs and outputs, protected at all times by the existing warranty. 

The deadline for returning authorized vehicles temporarily imported by foreigners will be to the life of their condition of stay granted by the immigration authorities.


For foreigners with condition of stay of temporary residents and temporary residents students to renew their residence in national territory, the term of temporary import permit vehicle will be credited with an official document issued by the immigration authorities, without authorization of the required customs authorities.

Also, in order not to make the guarantee granted within 15 days following the date on which they shall have been granted the renewal of its status as a temporary resident stay temporary resident student, foreigners must submit to any customs of the country or ACOA, written in attesting to that fact, attaching a copy of the proof of that procedure and permit temporary importation of the vehicle.



To register and obtain proof of partial or complete return of the vehicle, the applicant shall submit to the BANJERCITO personnel operating the modules CIITEV customs exit the car, permission, hologram, and where appropriate, recreational vehicles and trailer for transportation which have been imported temporarily.




Verify that all vehicle identification data as it is, name, brand, year, model, type and serial number or VIN and importing data are printed on the permit and are correct.

For more information contact through INFOSAT, the following toll-free numbers:


·   From within the Mexican Republic 01 800 4636728 7-2-2-1-1 options.

·    From the US and Canada 1 877 4488728 7-2-2-1-1 options.




Con permiso de importación temporal expedido por Banjercito


Quienes pueden realizar el trámite


Los extranjeros o mexicanos residentes permanentes en el extranjero, así como aquellos que acrediten laborar en el extranjero por un año o más.


1.     Tratándose de mexicanos residentes en el extranjero, así como los que acrediten laborar en el extranjero por un año o más, deberán presentar para tales efectos, el documento emitido por la autoridad migratoria del país extranjero que los acredite como residentes permanentes o temporales en el extranjero, o la autorización expresa de la autoridad competente de ese país que les otorgue la calidad de prestadores de servicios conforme a los acuerdos internacionales de los que México sea parte.

2.     Tratándose de extranjeros con condición de estancia de visitantes, residente temporal y residente temporal estudiante, podrán importar temporalmente un solo vehículo, debiendo presentar para tales efectos su pasaporte vigente o tarjeta pasaporte (passport card) y el documento oficial que emita la autoridad migratoria.

·      El interesado deberá acreditar la propiedad o posesión del vehículo que se pretende importar temporalmente, debiendo presentar para tales efectos cualquiera de los siguientes documentos en original y copia simple:

·      Título de propiedad o registro de placas vigente que los acredite como propietarios del vehículo, emitido por la autoridad competente del país extranjero.

·      Contrato de arrendamiento a nombre del importador, con la carta de la arrendadora que autorice la importación temporal del vehículo.

·      Contrato de crédito a nombre del importador

·     Documento que acredite la relación laboral del importador y el documento que acredite la propiedad del vehículo por parte de la empresa.

 Declarar bajo protesta de decir verdad, que se comprometen a retornar el vehículo de que se trate, dentro del plazo autorizado y a no realizar actos u omisiones que configuren infracciones o delitos por el indebido uso o destino del mismo.

 Quienes pueden conducir el vehículo importado temporalmente en territorio nacional

Tratándose de mexicanos residentes en el extranjero

Por el importador, su cónyuge, sus ascendientes, descendientes o hermanos siempre y cuando sean residentes permanentes en el extranjero, o por un extranjero con condición de estancia de residente temporal, residente temporal estudiante o visitantes. Cuando sea conducido por alguna persona distinta de las autorizadas, invariablemente deberá viajar a bordo el importador del vehículo. Los vehículos a que se refiere este inciso deberán cumplir con los requisitos que señale el Reglamento.


Tratándose de extranjeros

Por el importador, su cónyuge, sus ascendientes, descendientes o hermanos, aun cuando éstos no sean residentes extranjeros, por un extranjero con condición de estancia de residente temporal, residente temporal estudiante o visitantes, o por un nacional, siempre que en este último caso, viaje a bordo del mismo cualquiera de las personas autorizadas para conducir el vehículo y podrán efectuar entradas y salidas múltiples

Montos de la garantía por la importación temporal de vehículos.

Año-modelo del vehículo

Importe de la garantía equivalente en moneda nacional a


2007 y posteriores

400 dólares

2001 hasta 2006

300 dólares

2000 y anteriores

200 dólares

Banjercito, devolverá el depósito en garantía en la misma forma en que el interesado la constituyó, siempre que se haya registrado ante BANJERCITIO el retorno definitivo del vehículo antes del vencimiento del permiso. Si el depósito en garantía fue realizado con tarjeta de crédito o débito internacional, la devolución se realizará a la tarjeta bancaria que corresponda, al día hábil bancario siguiente al retorno definitivo del vehículo; o bien, si el depósito se efectuó en efectivo, la devolución de la garantía se hará en efectivo en cualquier Módulo CIITEV ubicado en las aduanas fronterizas.

Unidades que pueden importarse conjuntamente con el vehículo 


Conjuntamente con la importación temporal del vehículo se podrá importar una embarcación de hasta cuatro y medio metros de eslora incluyendo el remolque para su transporte, carros de recreo, motocicletas, trimotos, cuatrimotos o motos acuáticas, que no hayan sido concebidas, destinadas o fabricadas para circular por las vías generales de comunicación, sean federales, estatales o municipales, por un máximo de tres unidades, para lo cual se deberá acreditar la propiedad de las unidades transportadas y registrarlas en el mismo permiso de importación temporal del vehículo.

Tratándose de motocicletas o trimotos que ingresen al país por su propio impulso, que cuenten con placas extranjeras para circular por las vías generales de comunicación, deberán de solicitar un permiso de importación temporal y cumplir con los mismos requisitos señalados en este documento, sin aplicar lo señalado en el párrafo anterior.



El plazo autorizado para retornar los vehículos que hubieran sido importados temporalmente por mexicanos residentes en el extranjero, será de 180 días naturales de estancia efectiva en el país, computables a partir de la fecha de ingreso del vehículo a territorio nacional y utilizables en un periodo de doce meses, considerando entradas y salidas múltiples, amparado en todo momento por la garantía existente.

El plazo autorizado para retornar los vehículos que hubieran sido importados temporalmente por extranjeros será el de la vigencia de su condición de estancia otorgada por la autoridad migratoria.



Para los extranjeros con condición de estancia de residentes temporales y residentes temporales estudiantes que renueven su permanencia en territorio nacional, la vigencia del permiso de importación temporal del vehículo se acreditará con el documento oficial que emita la autoridad migratoria, sin que se requiera autorización de las autoridades aduaneras.


Asimismo, a efecto de que no se haga efectiva la garantía otorgada dentro de los 15 días siguientes a aquél en que les hubiere sido otorgada la renovación de su condición de estancia de residente temporal residente temporal estudiante, los extranjeros deberán presentar ante cualquier aduana del país o a la ACOA, un escrito en el que se haga constar dicha circunstancia, anexando copia del comprobante de dicho trámite y del permiso de importación temporal del vehículo.



Para registrar y obtener el comprobante del retorno parcial o definitivo del vehículo, el interesado deberá presentar ante el personal de BANJERCITO que opera los Módulos CIITEV en las aduanas de salida el automóvil, el permiso, holograma, y en su caso, los vehículos de recreo y el remolque para su traslado que hayan sido importados temporalmente.


Verificar que todos los datos de identificación del vehículo como lo es, nombre, marca, año, modelo, tipo y numero serie o VIN, así como los datos del importador se encuentren impresos en el permiso y sean los correctos.

Para mayor información puede comunicarse a través de INFOSAT, a los siguientes números telefónicos gratuitos:

  • ·      Desde el interior de la Republica Mexicana 01 800 4636728 opciones 7-2-2-1-1.
  • ·      Desde Estados Unidos y Canadá 1 877 4488728 opciones 7-2-2-1-1.









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Why do folks find this so hard to understand? For someone coming in on a tourist visa, the TIP is valid for the length of one's "stay" or "estancia" in Mexico. If you fly out before the 180 day tourist visa is up, you have to turn in the other portion of the tourist visa you got at the border when you check in for your flight. That tourist visa, regardless of whether you stayed 2 weeks or 180 days is now invalid, along with the TIP.

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I asked for a fellow rider from up north, he's never been here before and he was getting some bad advice on this.  That doesn't make him dense.  I was the first person who contacted him with the correct information.

I don't understand why it is necessary to make value judgments about a person who asks a question without knowing either the person or the circumstances.  

The information has been passed on and the rider is rethinking the arrangement of his trip.  Thanks to those who just answered the question without adding anything.

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My response was to Mudgirl‘s reference to “folks“, and was not a specific reference to your friend, who is certainly not dense, or he would not have asked the question.  I am sure he will benefit from your informed advice and arrange the details of his trip in an intelligent and efficient manner. as would anyone who likes to wear leather and go about on half a vehicle. :rolleyes:

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