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When one spouse meets financial requirement.......


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... for temporal /permanente, and the other does not..... does it matter?

I thought that a person could apply for residency, and if they meet the requirements... including financial, they could sponsor their spouse after they have obtained their temporal or permanent resident permit. The additional amount required, to obtain the visa for the spouse is much less than the spouse having to apply individually.

For example. One spouse has an income of 3000 US per month and the other has 900 per month.

A friend told me his lawyer said that both he and his wife needed to apply separately. And there was no way to add his wife as a dependent family member after he obtained his permanente. His pension is close to 4000 a month, but his wife was a home maker and just has Social Security of around 900.

They are looking at moving money around so she can qualify. Is that necessary? I already told them to get a second opinion.

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I think they can do it with the primary person getting the visa, via the consulate and then INM, then the spouse applying under vincula familial rules directly from a tourist permit within Mexico and without further need for financial proofs.

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Google Translation:

"Regularization by family ties.

Article 51.Ficha the procedure for adjustment of status in the form, by family ties regularization.

Applicable: When a foreigner is in an irregular situation that has link with Mexican or resident alien

in the country.


1. Original and copy of passport, identity card and travel or official document issued by the authorities of their country of origin, containing at least the name of the foreign person, nationality, date of birth and photograph;

2. Proof of payment of fees for the receipt and consideration of the application for adjustment of immigration status, according to the fee provided for in the Federal Law;

3. Immigration document if the foreigner has had a condition of stay;

4. Proof of payment of the fine that would have determined the authority under the provisions of section 145 of the Act, unless found in any of the cases that provision expressly states as exempt;

5. Should be Mexican spouse or partner or temporary or permanent resident, you must have:

a) Written signed by the applicant and spouse or partner which indicate their marital home;

b ) Copy of the official identification of the Mexican or the current card resident alien;

c) Marriage certificate, or

d) Document proving cohabitation according to civil law or equivalent document attesting figure concubinage

granted by a competent authority of the country of origin or residence of the foreigner.

6. Should it be a son, father, or mother of Mexican or foreign resident person or attesting have legal representation or custody Mexican or resident alien, you must submit:

a) Birth certificate if you are a parent of a Mexican or resident alien;

b ) Birth certificate if the son of a Mexican or temporary or permanent resident, or

c) A document issued by competent authority to be granted guardianship or custody of a child, child or adolescent, Mexican or resident alien.

7. Office for regularization in the case of a foreign person credited the other requirements in the immigration center . "

"Regularización por vínculo familiar.

Artículo 51.Ficha del trámite para la regularización de situación migratoria en la modalidad, regularización por vínculo familiar.

Aplicable: Al a persona extranjera en situación migratoria irregular que tiene vínculo con mexicano o con persona extranjera residente en territorio nacional.


1. Original y copia del pasaporte, del documento de identidad y viaje o del documento oficial expedido por autoridad de su país de origen, que

contenga cuando menos, nombre de la persona extranjera, nacionalidad, fecha de nacimiento y fotografía;

2. Comprobante del pago de derechos por la recepción y estudio de la solicitud de regularización de situación migratoria, de acuerdo a la

cuota prevista en la Ley Federal de Derechos;

3. Documento migratorio en caso de que la persona extranjera haya tenido una condición de estancia;

4. Comprobante del pago de la multa que le haya determinado la autoridad conforme a lo previsto en el artículo 145 de la Ley, salvo que se

encuentren en alguno de los supuestos que dicho precepto expresamente señala como exentos;

5. En caso de ser cónyuge o concubino de mexicano o residente temporal o permanente, debe presentar:

a) Escrito firmado por el solicitante y su cónyuge o concubino en el que señalen su domicilio conyugal;

b ) Copia de la identificación oficial vigente del mexicano o de la tarjeta vigente de la residente persona extranjera;

c) Acta de matrimonio, o

d) Documento que acredite concubinato de acuerdo a la legislación civil o del documento que acredite figura equivalente al concubinato

otorgado por autoridad competente del país de origen o de residencia de la persona extranjera.

6. En caso de ser hijo, padre, o madre de mexicano o persona extranjera residente, o bien que acredite tener la representación legal o custodia

de mexicano o de persona extranjera residente, deberá presentar:

a) Acta de nacimiento en caso de ser padre o madre de un mexicano o de persona extranjera residente;

b ) Acta de nacimiento en caso de ser hijo de un mexicano o residente temporal o permanente, o

c) Documento emitido por autoridad competente en el que se le otorgue la tutela o patria potestad de una niña, niño o adolescente, mexicano

o persona extranjera residente.

7. Original de oficio de salida para regularización cuando se trate de una persona extranjera que acreditó los demás requisitos en la estación migratoria."


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I think they can do it with the primary person getting the visa, via the consulate and then INM, then the spouse applying under vincula familial rules directly from a tourist permit within Mexico and without further need for financial proofs.

^^ This. We are in this process right now.

Denise at Spencer's office said that we would need an apostilled copy of our marriage certificate for the vínculo familiar step.

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Regularization doesn´t apply unless you renew late. We haven´t had problems to date to add a family member although they just changed the guy in Chapala a well as like to change their interpretations every few months.

Yes, an apostilled marriage certificate will be required and a legalized one for Canadians, this is usually very expensive for Canadians so all you Canadians out there get your marriage and birth certificates legalized before coming to Mexico, also they won´t legalize the wallet card types.

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Google Translation:

"Change to permanent resident for family ties

Article 38. Procedure for change of condition of stay in the mode, change to permanent resident for family bond.

Applicable: Applicable to foreign persons holding the status of stay visitor or temporary resident, who wishes to reside permanently in national territory and accredits link to Mexican or permanent resident alien pursuant to the noted in the section on criteria of this record of proceedings.


1. Copy of passport, identity and travel document or official document has displayed for the status of residence that he owns. In this case the original FMM is also required;

2. Temporary Resident Card or visitor, or current valid FMM.

3. Proof of payment of fees for the receipt and consideration of the application for adjustment of status pursuant to the provisions of the Federal Law;

4. Original and copy of valid official identification card Mexican or residence permit of the foreigner, with which

credited the link, and

5. demonstrate link according to the following:

a) Should be a parent of a Mexican or a foreigner with permanent residence in the national territory, it must submit an original and copy of birth certificate or permanent resident Mexican;

b ) In case of a permanent resident child alien must present original and copy of birth certificate. This if it is minor and is not married, or, under its guardianship or custody;

c) If the son of the spouse or partner of a Mexican or a permanent resident, you must submit an original and copy of birth certificate and marriage certificate or document certifying parent's cohabitation with Mexican or

foreign person. This is provided that child or teenager and has not married, or, is under guardianship or custody of the spouse or partner;

d) In case of child or adolescent whose custody or guardianship is found by a Mexican, or a permanent resident alien in national territory must present original and copy of the document issued by competent authority;

e) If the child of a Mexican under subparagraph d), section I of section criteria in this record, you must submit an original and copy of the certificate of naturalization and Mexican birth certificate of the foreign person;

f) In case of a Mexican brother, or a permanent resident alien in national territory must submit an original and copy of birth certificate of both. This, if it is child or teenager and has not married either, original and copy of the certificate that is under the legal representation of the Mexican or permanent resident;

g) If the alien has obtained the status of temporary resident stay marriage or concubinage with Mexican or permanent resident alien must original and copy of the marriage certificate or document certifying concubinage present according to the legislation civil or equivalent document attesting to figure

concubinage issued by competent authority of the country of origin or residence of the foreigner, and writing under oath signed by the applicant and spouse or concubine, which indicate their marital home and livelihood of the link during the two years preceding the application; "

"Cambio a residente permanente por vínculo familiar

Artículo 38. Ficha del trámite para cambio de condición de estancia en la modalidad, cambio a residente permanente por vínculo familiar.

Aplicable: Aplicable a la persona extranjera titular de la condición de estancia de visitante o de residente temporal, que desea residir de

manera permanente, en territorio nacional y acredita vínculo con mexicano o persona extranjera residente permanente de acuerdo a lo

señalado en el apartado de criterios de la presente ficha de trámite.


1. Copia del pasaporte, documento de identidad y viaje o documento oficial que haya exhibido para obtener la condición de estancia de la que es titular. En caso que presente FMM también se requiere original;

2. Tarjeta de residente temporal o de visitante, o FMM válida y vigente.

3. Comprobante del pago de derechos por la recepción y estudio de la solicitud de cambio de condición, de conformidad con lo previsto en la Ley Federal de Derechos;

4. Original y copia de la identificación oficial vigente del mexicano o de la tarjeta de residencia vigente de la persona extranjera, con la que se

acredita el vínculo, y

5. Demostrar vínculo de acuerdo a lo siguiente:

a) En caso de ser padre o madre de un mexicano, o de una persona extranjera con residencia permanente en territorio nacional, deberá presentar original y copia del acta de nacimiento del mexicano o del residente permanente;

b ) En caso de ser hijo de una persona extranjera residente permanente, deberá presentar original y copia del acta de nacimiento. Lo anterior siempre y cuando sea menor de edad y no haya contraído matrimonio, o bien, se encuentre bajo su tutela o custodia;

c) En caso de ser hijo del cónyuge o concubino de un mexicano o de un residente permanente, deberá presentar original y copia de su acta de nacimiento y del acta de matrimonio o del documento que acredite concubinato del padre o madre con el mexicano o la

persona extranjera. Lo anterior siempre y cuando sea niña, niño o adolescente y no haya contraído matrimonio, o bien, se encuentre bajo tutela o custodia del cónyuge o concubino;

d) En caso de ser niña, niño o adolescente, cuya patria potestad o tutela se encuentre a cargo de un mexicano, o de una persona extranjera residente permanente en territorio nacional, deberá presentar original y copia del documento emitido por autoridad competente;

e) En caso de que sea hijo de un mexicano conforme al inciso d), fracción I del apartado de criterios de la presente ficha, deberá presentar original y copia de la carta de naturalización del mexicano y acta de nacimiento de la persona extranjera;

f) En caso de ser hermano de un mexicano, o de una persona extranjera residente permanente en territorio nacional, deberá presentar original y copia del acta de nacimiento de ambos. Lo anterior, siempre y cuando sea niña, niño o adolescente y no haya contraído matrimonio, o bien, original y copia del documento que acredite que se encuentra bajo la representación legal del mexicano o residente permanente;

g) En caso de que la persona extranjera haya obtenido la condición de estancia de residente temporal por matrimonio o concubinato con mexicano o persona extranjera residente permanente, deberá presentar original y copia del acta de matrimonio o del documento que acredite concubinato de acuerdo a la legislación civil o del documento que acredite figura equivalente al

concubinato otorgado por autoridad competente del país de origen o de residencia de la persona extranjera, y escrito bajo protesta de decir verdad firmado por el solicitante y su cónyuge o concubina o concubinario, en el que señalen su domicilio conyugal y la subsistencia de dicho vínculo durante los dos años anteriores a la solicitud;"


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Google Translation:

"Switching to temporary resident for family ties

Article 39. Procedure for change of condition of stay in the mode, change to temporary resident family ties

Applicable: A foreign person holding status stay visitor or temporary resident student who wishes to reside in national territory and accrediting link to Mexican or foreign person according to what is stated in the criteria section of this Information process.


1. Original and copy of passport, identity and travel document, or official document that is displayed for the status of stay which holds;

2. FMM, tourist card visitor or temporary resident student;

3. Proof of payment of fees for the receipt and consideration of the application for adjustment of status pursuant to the provisions of the Federal Law;

4. Original and copy of valid official identification Mexican resident card or valid foreign person with whom the link is established, and

5. demonstrate link according to the following:

a) Should be a parent of a foreigner with temporary residence in national territory, you must submit an original and copy of birth certificate of temporary residence;

b ) If the spouse of Mexican or temporary resident or permanent resident in national territory must submit an original and copy of the marriage certificate;

c) In case of concubine or mistress of a Mexican or a foreigner with temporary residence or permanent residence in national territory must submit document proving cohabitation according to civil law or proof concubinage equivalent figure given by competent authority of the country of origin or residence of the foreigner, attesting that the person concerned and the Mexican temporary or permanent resident or have lived together continuously and permanently for the period concerned;

d) If the son of a temporary resident alien must present original and copy of birth certificate. This is provided that child or teenager and has not married, or, under its guardianship or custody;

e) If the son of the spouse or partner of a temporary resident must submit an original and copy of birth certificate and marriage certificate or document certifying parent's cohabitation with a foreign person. This is provided that child or teenager and has not married, or, is under guardianship or custody of the spouse or partner, or

f) In case of child or adolescent whose custody or guardianship be in charge of a temporary resident alien in national territory must submit an original and copy of the document issued by competent authority. "

"Cambio a residente temporal por vínculo familiar

Artículo 39. Ficha del trámite para cambio de condición de estancia en la modalidad, cambio a residente temporal por vínculo familiar

Aplicable: A la persona extranjera titular de la condición de estancia de visitante o de residente temporal estudiante que desea residir en territorio nacional y que acredita vínculo con mexicano o con persona extranjera de acuerdo a lo señalado en el apartado de criterios de la presente ficha de trámite.


1. Original y copia del pasaporte, documento de identidad y viaje, o documento oficial que haya exhibido para obtener la condición de

estancia de la que es titular;

2. FMM, tarjeta de visitante o tarjeta de residente temporal estudiante;

3. Comprobante del pago de derechos por la recepción y estudio de la solicitud de cambio de condición, de conformidad con lo previsto en la Ley Federal de Derechos;

4. Original y copia de la identificación oficial vigente del mexicano, o tarjeta de residente vigente de la persona extranjera con la que se acredita el vínculo, y

5. Demostrar vínculo de acuerdo a lo siguiente:

a) En caso de ser padre o madre de una persona extranjera con residencia temporal en territorio nacional, deberá presentar original y copia del acta de nacimiento del residente temporal;

b ) En caso de ser cónyuge de mexicano o de residente temporal o residente permanente en territorio nacional, deberá presentar original y copia del acta de matrimonio;

c) En caso de ser concubinario o concubina de un mexicano o de una persona extranjera con residencia temporal o con residencia permanente en territorio nacional, deberá presentar documento que acredite concubinato de acuerdo a la legislación civil o documento que acredite figura equivalente al concubinato otorgado por autoridad competente del país de origen o residencia de la persona extranjera, en el que conste que el interesado y el mexicano o residente temporal o permanente han vivido en común en forma constante y permanente por el periodo que corresponda;

d) En caso de ser hijo de una persona extranjera residente temporal, deberá presentar original y copia del acta de nacimiento. Lo anterior siempre y cuando sea niña, niño o adolescente y no haya contraído matrimonio, o bien, se encuentre bajo su tutela o custodia;

e) En caso de ser hijo del cónyuge o concubino de un residente temporal, deberá presentar original y copia de su acta de nacimiento y del acta de matrimonio o del documento que acredite concubinato del padre o madre con la persona extranjera. Lo anterior siempre y cuando sea niña, niño o adolescente y no haya contraído matrimonio, o bien, se encuentre bajo tutela o custodia del cónyuge o concubino, o

f) En caso de ser niña, niño o adolescente, cuya patria potestad o tutela se encuentre a cargo de una persona extranjera residente temporal en territorio nacional, deberá presentar original y copia del documento emitido por autoridad competente."


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Regularization doesn´t apply unless you renew late. We haven´t had problems to date to add a family member although they just changed the guy in Chapala a well as like to change their interpretations every few months.

Yes, an apostilled marriage certificate will be required and a legalized one for Canadians, this is usually very expensive for Canadians so all you Canadians out there get your marriage and birth certificates legalized before coming to Mexico, also they won´t legalize the wallet card types.

An interesting note is that first timers are getting ONLY a 2 year Residente Temporal visa before getting a Residente Permanente when married to a Mexican National, not a RP like the law and rules states is possible, if wanted.

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It would certainly be bad timing if the non resident spouse's application was in process when the resident spouse died. However, if he/she manages to live through their spouse obtaining their resident permanente/temporal permit...... it should be a done deal.

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This is why we try to get people the maximum term if tied to another so that way death or divorce will not affect their future in Mexico.

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Regularization doesn´t apply unless you renew late. We haven´t had problems to date to add a family member although they just changed the guy in Chapala a well as like to change their interpretations every few months.

Yes, an apostilled marriage certificate will be required and a legalized one for Canadians, this is usually very expensive for Canadians so all you Canadians out there get your marriage and birth certificates legalized before coming to Mexico, also they won´t legalize the wallet card types.

Nine years ago when we moved to Lake Chapala, we obtained our long form marriage certificate and birth certificates. Both were legalized by the Ontario Government at that time. Will these two certificates still be valid when I apply for Residente Permanente in July. I thought I'd read recently that one would have to obtain a "current" long form birth certificate. (I'm currently R. Temporal with a 2 on the reverse side of the document). My husband already has his R.Permanente. thanks for any clarification.

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Yes, immigration doesnt care how old the certificates are, SRE does and the civil registry does.

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  • 3 months later...

If one is in a common law relationship and and both parties are considering applying for the residente temporal, does one require a legal document from Canada stipulating the nature of this relationship and duration....I would think the Mexican consulate here in Toronto would know the answer, but just wondering if there will be any surprises once we proceed in Mexico.

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If one is in a common law relationship and and both parties are considering applying for the residente temporal, does one require a legal document from Canada stipulating the nature of this relationship and duration....I would think the Mexican consulate here in Toronto would know the answer, but just wondering if there will be any surprises once we proceed in Mexico.

I can not answer for Toronto but a common-law couple at the MX Consulate in Laredo two weeks ago simply stated the fact and no proof requested. I believe to get your answer for Toronto you may have to ask there. Once you have pre-approval INM in Mexico simply processes in the several I have processed. and no questions asked.

If in Mexico with no pre-approved visa then very difficult to prove common law with INM. This is very different vs my first statement above where one has pre-approval.

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Here in Mexico they want a court decree of common law marriage or relationship which takes months or a year

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Regularization doesn´t apply unless you renew late. We haven´t had problems to date to add a family member although they just changed the guy in Chapala a well as like to change their interpretations every few months.

Yes, an apostilled marriage certificate will be required and a legalized one for Canadians, this is usually very expensive for Canadians so all you Canadians out there get your marriage and birth certificates legalized before coming to Mexico, also they won´t legalize the wallet card types.

I'm due for renewal at the end of October. Hubby is Permanente and I'm Temporal. I want to go Permanente and be done with Immigration.

We went through the Montreal consulate last October and at that time, had our marriage certificate stamped in some way, not sure what it all meant but did it upon Spencer and the consulate's advice. I also have my full birth certificate, a new one from last year.

I don't have the financials except unless they approve the new law as for those coming through the consulates.

What can I do?

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Yes, an apostilled marriage certificate will be required and a legalized one for Canadians, this is usually very expensive for Canadians so all you Canadians out there get your marriage and birth certificates legalized before coming to Mexico, also they won´t legalize the wallet card types.

For clarification, do Canadians need to have their marriage certificate apostilled if they have it legalized?

I'm presuming what we had done at the consulate in Montreal was "legalizing" our marriage? We had to pay a fee for some type of stamp.

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Canadians do not apostille, they have a similar process called legalization.

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