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new mexican driving laws


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First thanks for the notice of this, and the links.

The one thing I find disturbing is that, according to the Informador article they consider GPS devices mounted on the dashboard more distracting than those built into the car (and are therefore illegal). I see no logic in that. Does anyone else? I tend to take the cynical view of some of the commentators on the Informador article, i.e., that the governments are pandering to the very powerful automobile manufacturers association..... Looks to me that they want everyone to run out and buy a vehicle with a built-in GPS.

Oh well, our Garmin is always falling off anyway. I guess we just carry it in the glove box and let the passenger be the navigator, holding it in their hands.

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I think it is interesting that even using a hands free phone is verboten in Jalisco. In the USA when states made it illegal to use a cell phone in vehicles, I thought it was strange that they continiued to allow the police to use radio and even computers when driving and evenduring a car chase. Wasn't the phone outlawed because it was a distraction?

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Sadly I have been in a car twice where the driver had "hands free" phone use and unfortunately we were almost in accidents both times. I saw that these drivers could not concentrate on both driving and talking on the phone at the same time. Now, before I ride with someone else, I ask that if they need to access the phone to please stop the car first. If they can't agree to that, I find another ride. Life is too short for that any more. :(

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I fail to see how using a hands free phone is any more distracting than talking to a seat mate while driving or listening to you kids in the back seat.Or for that matter why is it more distracting than a cop in the states usiing the radio to check wants and warrants on a car he is following?

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