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  1. The drivers weren’t fired but quit during the transition. They ended up following the previous manager who let Katya down and didn’t take care of the company. I am here now to bring the company back to life. I would ask to see an analysis of their water before you buy from them again. I can’t vouch for where they are getting their water but it’s not from the Katya plant. The health department requires monthly lab testing of all the water companies and the health department is finally back checking on local companies which we are happy for. Katya will be carrying our analysis with the drivers. Please ask to see them.
  2. Thank you. Please call me for your new driver 333.233.3797
  3. Hi this is Adam the new owner of Katya Water. unfortunately Pancho was also let go from Katya. I can not vouch for the source of their water. It has come to light that the previous manager let the plant go and as the new owner I am taking the time to and money to revamp, clean and get right with the health department. Soon Katya will be one of the safest sources of drinking water in the lakeside area with the analysis to prove it. Emetario hasn't worked for Katya since late January and again I can not vouch for the source of their water. It would be wise to ask your drivers for an analysis of their water. The health department here requires the water to be tested at least once a month. My drivers will be carrying our test results with them so please ask them anytime you like. Katya will be getting. new seals and I will post them here, on our youtube channel, and facebook when we relaunch the Katya brand. Until then let it be known that any blue Katya drinking water seal is not us. To get Katya through this transition period while my plant is undergoing renovations to the water systems. We have teamed up with Tepehua Agua, a source of water I can vouch for and drivers with integrity. I am currently building a new team of drivers and I will post their photos on our facebook. We look forward to providing the best water possible please contact us: 376.763.3999 whatsApp your order: 333.233.3797 facebook: Purificadora Katya youtube channel: Purificadora Katya email: aguakatya@gmail.com
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