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Everything posted by Tiny

  1. Instead of messing around, running around, and waiting around, I just ordered one and the estimated delivery date is tomorrow. Thanks Joyinmexico for posting this topic. I keep forgetting to get one.
  2. I have used crumbed up chips, potato or tortilla chips? Good use of the crumbs in the bottom of the bags. LOL
  3. And what is Teinda going to use when they stop using plastic bags? The topic is plastic bag ban.
  4. We get our eggs in the cardboard egg flats. We can get either half or whole flat. They place a flat on top and bottom then tie them together. Then we return the flats to be reused.
  5. If you can't find any locally: https://www.amazon.com.mx/s?k=draft+stopper&adgrpid=61553875321&gclid=CjwKCAjwlPTmBRBoEiwAHqpvhefdVRcrj2bXU94cjvnz8owTu3RZt9XWDAJVQwdkxwT3P_D7jF2nOxoCossQAvD_BwE&hvadid=286733406124&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=1010079&hvnetw=g&hvpos=1t1&hvqmt=b&hvrand=10450197980179253017&hvtargid=kwd-11240561&hydadcr=26976_9558218&tag=googhydr0mx-20&ref=pd_sl_9g5udohfju_b I had one that was for one side. I got tried putting it back in place even time the door was opened. They have some that slide under the door so it moves with the door.
  6. What I like about the above recipe is the bread crumbs are toasted, not pan fried in all the oil and juices. To me, a cleaner taste
  7. There is undostres app for the Android cell phone. Why is that important? I was trying to pay my SIAPA water bill. When I tried paying on-line, it was asking for a 22 didgit code. The only long code was in the bar code and it much longer than 22 didgit. Then I found the app and installed on it on my Android phone. All I had to do was point the camera at the bar code. The app pick up the code and filled in amount due. Then I accepted the charge to PayPal, thus charging my US credit card. There was a 6 pesos fee. There may be a app for the iPhone.
  8. I am enjoying a chop from a recipe that I just found. I changed the mustard paste to my taste. I didn't have thick cut pork chops so I stacked up several thin cuts with the paste on each chop. Very tasty and simple. Some people would say the BEST breaded pork chop that they ever tasted. LOL
  9. The reason I do a lot of my shopping on-line because most of the time it is faster and cheaper to order and have it delivered than drive access town. LOL
  10. I basically found that true with AT&T except what I saw a couple of weeks ago during a in country road trip. I have both a AT&T Mexico and Telcel (roaming for AT&T US) SIM card in my phone. A few times there was marked difference in coverage between the two. A couple of times one or the other provider did not have any signal. I kept a closer eye on the indicators more than usual because I was surprised how much difference there was. No I was not driving. LOL That is why I recommend to test.
  11. I use AT&T but I am in Guadalajara. I would recommend getting a sim card from each company for a month and test the coverage where you are going to use it.
  12. You may want to ask around if there are any tile layers locally. They may be familiar with using that product or something like that..
  13. https://www.amazon.com.mx/Stone-Grip-Floor-Treatment-SlipDoctors/dp/B003JTTHVM/ref=pd_sim_328_1/131-9886485-7835060?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B003JTTHVM&pd_rd_r=fe2d88ba-7740-11e9-9b17-51ada22ba8a6&pd_rd_w=Djj7L&pd_rd_wg=1bvhl&pf_rd_p=4ef43de1-e4c3-4695-a0de-1ba870e32035&pf_rd_r=CVK4J8PAVBZ3ATJVXTYH&psc=1&refRID=CVK4J8PAVBZ3ATJVXTYH https://listado.mercadolibre.com.mx/anti-slip-tile-treatment#D[A:anti%20slip%20tile%20treatment] These may be at Home Depot. I don't know if available locally.
  14. Do you want to count the PM's?
  15. But if many would like to have a choice, shouldn't the owner consider it? Today, one comment. Tomorrow, maybe many. Is there other posters that would like to have a choice?
  16. Whatever my maintenance person uses. LOL
  17. Are you saying that a owner with a certain number of years working don't have to listen to the customers and at the same time saying that the owner should listen to the customer's feedback. Which is it? Concerning work experience, is it forty years of experience or one year of experience forty times over?
  18. If you can't find it local or Home Depot. https://articulo.mercadolibre.com.mx/MLM-614389888-aluminum-roll-valley-standard-flashing-_JM I don't know if the price is good or not. There may be other sellers.
  19. Maybe not listening to customers or the owner/cook thinking they know all, just because they worked for a few years, is part of the reason why restaurants all over keep opening and closing. When a owner/cook opens a restaurant they are guessing what the customer wants. If they don't listen to customers, it may be a short experience. Excuse me for making a comment.
  20. You may suggest to the owner that he may want to offer a full meal and main course only choice.
  21. I don't understand what the "trouble" is if it is not a "fancy " quality. There is a need (juice and sauce for the non fancy apples.
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