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Everything posted by mudgirl

  1. La Concia? You would use your time more productively by learning basic Spanish than by posting insults about what people choose to eat.
  2. There may be some confusion in terms here. "Documentation" of a sale and capital gains payment is not the same as filing a "declaration" with SAT, nor is a declaration an income tax return. For example, until they changed the tax system this January, I had to submit a declaration of income and expenses every two months for my business, then pay the taxes owing. The "documentation" that I had made those payments is the transfer of the payment shown on my bank statement, or the receipt from the bank if I paid it in cash. The declaration is simply a reporting filing, not proof that I paid the taxes owing.
  3. I use Telcel, not ATT, but when in Canada, calling Canadian numbers does not use +1. My phone when in Canada becomes a "Canadian" phone, so dialing is just like if you were calling from a Canadian landline or Canadian cell phone. Which is why you then have to input +52 and the number when phoning Mexico.
  4. I wouldn't call it getting whacked. If you only order 800 pesos worth of groceries and it costs 200 pesos worth of gas to deliver it plus the delivery person's time and pay, it isn't unreasonable that there would be a delivery charge.
  5. I don't know how it works with a house sales and capital gains, but I do know that just because there are no taxes owing doesn't mean a declaration isn't required. In my upholstery business, even in months where I have no earnings, I still have to file a declaration which states zero income.
  6. Although YMMV, I can tell you that in all my dealings with SAT at their office, at least the one I deal with in Puerto Vallarta, they have been very helpful and easy to deal with. It's one branch of the Mexican govt. that seems to be quite organized and efficient. And an office in a border town is likely to have quite a few English-speaking staff, which isn't the case in the PV office.
  7. I don't know anything about capital gains declarations, but I am familiar with SAT, as I have run a business and reported and paid taxes for 16 years. Do you have an RFC number? If so, then you can set up an account on the SAT site. If you don't have an RFC, you can't. Pre-Covid, you could just show up at the SAT office and take a number and wait your turn, or make an appointment online. But the offices either closed entirely during the pandemic and you could only use their online site, or you had to make an appointment, but that was almost impossible as they only opened the calendar to appointments 2 weeks ahead and it didn't matter what time of the day or night you tried to make an appointment, the slots were all full. Also various offices seemed to be operating differently. So if you have an RFC, register online on the SAT site, and see if you can book an appointment, otherwise I would say you only have the option to go to the office during office hours and see if they take walk-ins, or how you can make this declaration. You could also find a Mexican accountant to deal with it for you. Alan posted at the same time I did. It seems that the notario had a legal obligation to do this. I would then start by contacting the notario. But you also need proof of him filing the declaration.
  8. Well, I might spend 20,000 pesos in a year at Costco. At 3% cashback, that comes to 600 pesos. I'm not spending the time it takes to fill out the paperwork to get a Costco credit card to save 150 pesos/year 😜
  9. Ever seen Kodi Lee, Natasha? https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tVP1zc0TMuzLCvMKzE2YPSSzc5PyVTISU1VSMxNLcpMTlQvVkjPL1EoScxJzSsBAFlQD3s&q=kodi+lee+america's+got+talent&oq=kodi++lee+America&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j46i512j0i512l5j46i512.13294j0j7&client=ms-android-americamovil-mx-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:1e1afbaf,vid:DAPkOxRnh4c,st:0 Of course, he's on a different part of the autism spectrum from Asperger's, but I hope the family can find someone or get info and education on Aspergers. My granddaughter, who is now 17, has ADHD. She didn't get diagnosed until she was about 11 or 12. Everyone just thought she was badly behaved, including my daughter and son-in-law, who have had a very difficult time with her. Finding out what the actual issue underlying her behavior is, was a real breakthrough. She still has those difficult behaviors, and really hard to be around sometimes, and always will be, but knowing that it's her brain chemistry, rather than just that she's really hard to be around sometimes, and her getting counselling for ADHD and learning skills for dealing with it is important for these people and their families who are what is now referred to as neuro-divergent. I know a few people with Aspergers. They are usually really bright and many tend to gravitate towards working in tech, as it's something they can do on their own, rather than jobs where they have to socially interact, which they aren't good at. Music would be great- hope you come up with a piano for him.
  10. Whaat, you think cockroaches are climbing up into your bed at night? I highly doubt it. There's so many insects here, who knows. Maybe fleas?
  11. I don't live Lakeside, so wouldn't know. But you can only deposit into certain ATMs. Many of the ATMs in Mexico only have withdrawals function.
  12. ??? You can't deposit pesos into a Canadian dollar account, and have them remain as pesos, and then withdraw them as pesos, if that's what you mean. You can only deposit Canadian dollars into a Canadian dollar account. The pesos will be converted to Canadian dollars when you deposit the money. You do realize that you lose money every time you convert it, right? You paid a currency conversion charge when you withdrew the pesos at an ATM from your Canadian Scotia account and now you're going to lose money again converting it back to Canadian $. If you are planning to come back to Mexico, you should just hang onto the pesos for the next time, otherwise you will end up paying yet another conversion fee to get pesos again.
  13. Ah, sorry. When a post gets deleted entirely, then responses to it no longer make sense or it seems like they are responding to a post right above it. That's why it's useful to quote at least part of a post that one is responding to, so it's clear who is being addressed.
  14. Posting an honest reflection of one's experience is not "being mean". If people only ever reviewed things when they had positive things to say, that would render reviews pointless. Inconsistency in service and product in a restaurant, or any business, is not acceptable, as you you seem to think it is. If one goes to eat somewhere that was recommended, and get terrible food or bad service, "Oh well, they must have been having a bad day" is not what businesses should rely on as being most people's attitude.
  15. No, he didn't contradict himself. You just didn't understand his previous post. He was saying that if a facility does MRIs of backs, they can do them of any part of the body. He wasn't saying that every MRI scans your entire body.
  16. ??? So you think anyone who writes an article on something has to have experienced that thing themselves? What was not believable in the article?
  17. You should have been able to switch your cell phone to another provider without unplugging that Telmex modem. You have to go to your network settings and peruse all the networks that are active in your area and change it to the one you want it to connect to automatically. Are you saying no other networks came up until unplugging the Telmex modem? That sounds strange.
  18. Unless something has changed, I used the ArriveCanada app last summer and don't recall having any issues with it. I also wouldn't trust an airline to give me information about another country's entrance requirements. But good heads up for those who might not check for themselves.
  19. https://www.rawstory.com/fox-viewers-changed-after-viewing-cnn/
  20. Well, that's why they're called irregular, because there's no pattern, you just have to memorize them. My big revelation in learning Spanish was the day I realized that what seemed overwhelming to me in learning all the verb tenses was actually not overwhelming at all- that it's the present and past tenses that are the hardest to learn- the others, including the compound tenses, are easy and do follow a simple pattern. But it's much harder to learn those things if one doesn't actually know grammar terms in their native language, which a lot of people don't. I was one of those kids who thought diagramming a sentence in school was dead easy and fun.
  21. I think you can prune back perennial herbs at any point. When cutting culinary and medicinal herbs to dry and use, it's done just before they flower, as that is when they are most potent.
  22. There's plenty of irregular verbs in English, too, we just don't think about it because we're native English speakers. "To be", for instance. "I am, you are, he is." Any of those verb forms sound anything alike? 🙂
  23. I had a similar experience. Standing with a Mexican friend when one of those old ranchero guys with the slurred, mush-mouthed Spanish was trying to tell us something. I turned to my friend and asked what the guy had just said, and she answered "F***ed if I know. I couldn't understand a word of it".
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