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Everything posted by bdmowers

  1. Yes, they have it on their site, but it comes from China. On the slow boat. And I just got a note from them that the slow boat just got slower because of a particular virus that is they're having a bit of problem with. Thanks, both, for looking out for me!
  2. I know those cottons well. (Been at this for 40 years.) I`ve grown their cottons from their seeds, spun it, wove it. I have plants here on my property from Guerrero. Some of the cooperatives from Guerrero have been to the Feria. Brown and green cotton is common but the blue, red, yellow can only be found in the mountains of Peru. Thank you for your suggestions, bmh.
  3. Yes, I know her. I was one of the original testers for her. I`m looking for the Mother Lode where Sally`s seeds came from. I`ll have to go to Peru for what I want.
  4. They still do. I have those and have been working with them for 40 years. I`ve worked with all the Peruvian derivatives available in the US. But now I have a hankering for the real thing from where the seeds they use in the States came from. The originals, the deep colors from the jungles of Peru. Thanks for your suggestion.
  5. Has anyone been to any of the colored cotton growing regions in Peru? I`m interested in obtaining fiber and seeds that is deep brown or green, blues, reds and yellows and want to know how to go about finding this fiber either from the Lambayesque or Arequipa regions.
  6. I need tubing that is elastic, stretchable - surgical tubing. It does not exist in the medical supply place on the carretera in Ajijic, nor in any of the famacias.
  7. There`s a reason! I`ve been using a heater extensively this season and want to find out how poor I`m going to be after the next CFE bill so I can prepare myself. Should I begin learniing about wild foods to cut down my food bill? But, it sounds like one cannot, indeed, learn how much one owes in the moment, between billing periods, by consulting the machine. That`s what I wanted to do. Standing in a line in the building is not enough fun. Thanks, community, for this wisdom-gathering-in-the-round!
  8. Can one take one`s last bill to the CFE computer and find out one`s current balance even between bill dates?
  9. There is a pretty good guitarist named Larry who leads and others who occasionally show up to the open mike at La Bodega on Wednesdays at 5pm in Ajijic. You might show up and ask him what he knows about guitar teachers (I don`t know if he teaches). He certainly knows the lay of the land musically lakeside.
  10. Agreed. Sounds like your friend found a nice place for what, at this moment, is a good price and in a nice area. The prices changed 2 years ago. Before that you could easily rent, as I did, a nice well-maintained 2 bedroom house with large planted yard for under $300 owned by an old family who doesn`t raise the rent. The same size house around the corner just rented for $750USD. Sign of the times. The Chapala house owners are keyed into the gringos now, fixing up every piece of property they own and renting them for 3 or 4 times what they did only 2 years ago. Can`t blame them, of course. They`re taking advantage of the market and being able to give their children better food and a little higher education. I fear, though, that old lovely, traditional Chapala is in for a gringo readjustment. I will treasure the old ways and places for as long as I can.
  11. There`s a couple of good jazz groups and some duos and also rock bands. As MC says, Bodega is a good place to start. I would add the Chapala open mike on Thrusdays at 5PM at El Patio. Also the open mike at La Bodega on Wednesdays in Ajijic on 16th de Septiembre. Same primo backup band at both venues. Man, these guys are fun to sing with. But they also know the musical lay of the land and play their own gigs as well. Iron Horse in Riberas has some kickass country, blues, roots groups showing up. Then, the other universe of course, Guadalajara.
  12. Oh, you know of one! One does not, however, mean "many"! "Lots of cheap places" ? You personally know of "lots" of cheap places? The topic on hand here is the article announcing to potential retirees from places like Santa Cruz, California that there are $300/month rentals lakeside. So the question is, how many of these are available to people new to the area from the US, could they find them and would they want to live in them? I contend the answer to that is that there is an extremely small number of $300/month houses and apartments lakeside that someone from Santa Cruz, California would 1) be able to find (given they probably don`t speak Spanish, don`t have a clue to the culture and that these places are not listed), 2) even consider living in considering the shape they are in (notwithstanding MostlyLost's single contribution) and that they are usually in exclusively Spanish-speaking areas (excepting the few near the plaza in Chapala) and considering their size (singles, 1-bedrooms, small apartments).
  13. Well, I think there are 2 or 3 possibly near the plaza which are alright (last chance! today!) But the others are rented low for a reason. A friend rented one recently and leaned on a sink whereupon it fell to the ground. And bring your rat traps.
  14. The article is extremely misleading. There are a few last remnants of areas that have places renting for $300 a month in Chapala. But that`s the only area left lakeside other than maybe San Juan - not Riberas, not San Antonio, not La Floresta and certainly not Ajijic. Good luck finding these places in Chapala. These places have no "for rent" signs, they are not listed.
  15. The bus from the old bus station near Parque Agua Azul to Chapala works well.
  16. Echo Casteneda. Fixed me up good. And such a beautiful human being. Prices are low because his intention is to work among the Mexican people in Chapala and allow them to afford treatments.
  17. I don`t know where this is. Would you be able to give a better description of the location? Name, street, landmark? Thank you.
  18. " Some fabrics by kilo, others by meter. " That`s always been true.
  19. Has anyone seen (actually) surgical tubing lakeside possibly for purchase?
  20. Sound like same old, same old. I`ll check in again in a few months. Do people remember when they had a LOT of thick cotton fabrics at the front end of the store, a lot of linen. Ah, those were the days.
  21. Yes, Tedima appears to be the only tropical hardwoods lumberyard in the area. Great place to go even if just to see the site.
  22. It`s called Real Ortega but there`s nothing there stated by OP. Besides pino, they have parota, some oak and cedar.
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