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Everything posted by NLU

  1. Rick, One of us is misreading this post. I quoted the first part because that was the part that dealt with the poster's problem BEFORE he took action with additional hardware. He said: 'About a week ago I ordered the Linksys Velop Mesh system, 3 unit Whole house system, On sale now at Costco for $5,000 MXN ( i discovered this after I paid a lot more). My house has an 8,500 Sq. ft area to be covered.. It was delivered to my house at 2pm on Friday and I currently have WIFI through out my house at a stable 20 to 30 MBPS. I turned off the ILOX Wifi in their modem and hooked up the Linksys system and now I do not have the issues with my Fire Stick hanging up and stuttering any more. This is the solution to the issue with ILOX WIFI issues. There are many good Mesh systems out there but I flipped coin and went with Linksys. It appears that ILOX went on the really cheap when they purchased their modems. As a footnote, to measure the wired signal speed accurately, go to stanford.speedtest.googlefiber.net and run the speed test. I see a consistent 85 to 110 Mbps to this server in California." The KEY WORD in this second half is 'currently.' 'Currently' means NOW after he installed a $5000 MX web mesh (which by thw way I bought today. I'll let you knopw how it works for me on my current ole telmex system.) And, I don't have an agenda.. Back when i first became in the drive to bring Ilox to our community, i had an agenda: to get to the required number of pesoes. it was for that reason i signed up for the triple Double. It was higher priced and would help more to get to the magic $3 million Mx goal. Now, my only purpose in maing these posts is to advise my community as to what actually happened to a client of Ilox. I continue to wish ilox the best, not because i care anything about Ilox, because i don't and nefer eally did, but because if Ilox ultimately succeeds in delivering the services they promised to deliver, my community will benefit.
  2. Only if one gets that speed and gets it constantly, and if one is not paying for the 250/300 service. To quote Davep: 'I have had ILOX installed for 38 days and was not pleased with the quality of the WIFI (was no better than Telmex, Telcel or ATT). I bought the 100 mbps package, hoping I would get at least half of that. I could not get over 60 Mbps on any of the test programs and only sporadically. So, went to ILOX office and had a discussion with young lady (very Nice, but no help). She gave an email address to send emails. I sent emails and ILOX responded, but no help. I got an email from a Mr. Godinez (the ILOX TELECOM IP address is registered in his name), he assured me that I was getting 100 Mbps and I should take his word for it no matter what the Speed tests showed. There was a lot of BS and double redundant weasel wording involved in many responses to my emails. When I finally decided ILOX would be of NO help in resolving the issue, I decided this when he said in his last email " we do not guarantee speed delivered to residential locations".' So much for the 85/100mbpa.
  3. I guess customer service as well as providing internet service as advertised isn't Ilox' strong point. I wonder what is.
  4. Thank, Mainecoons, for cutting to the chase. Here it is. And, I hope to be done with this. Posting and respondiung is getting to be a bigger pain in the a** than the original wait anmd subsequent mishaps! CONTRATO PARA LA PRESTACIÓN DE SERVICIOS, QUE QUE CELEBRAN POR UNA EN LO SUCESIVO EL CLIENTE, Y POR LA OTRA PARTE, TV REY DE OCCIDENTE S.A. DE C.V.,REPRESENTADA EN ESTE ACTO POR EL INGENIERO VICTOR HUGO GODÍNEZ SAHAGÚN, EN LO SUCESIVO "EL PRESTADOR"; AL TENOR DE LAS SIGUIENTES DECLARACIONES Y CLÁUSULAS: DECLARACIONES: I. Declara "EL CLIENTE": a) Que requiere de los servicios de TRIPLE FULL 250 (BASICO, INTERNET 250 MBPS, TELEFONIA ILIMITADA LL, LDN, EEUU/CAN, 100 MIN. CELULAR 044/045) b) Que tiene su domicilio el ubicado en II. Declara "EL PRESTADOR": a) Es una sociedad debidamente constituida de conformidad con las leyes de la República Mexicana, bajo ladenominación TV REY DE OCCIDENTE. S.A. de C.V., según consta en la Escritura Pública número 422 de fecha 18 de Mayo de 1995, otorgada ante la fe del licenciado Enrique Gudiño Magaña. Notario Público número 9 de Jiquilpan de Juárez, Michoacán, Inscrita en el Registro Público de Comercio del Estado de Michoacán en el Folio Mercantil número 158269, el 11 de Enero del 2006. b) Su Registro Federal de Contribuyentes es TRO950518DM2 y su domicilio es Boulevard Lázaro Cárdenas # 40interior 4 Norte de Sahuayo Michoacán. c) Cuenta con las facultades suficientes para celebrar el presente Contrato, y manifiesta bajo protesta de decirverdad que, a la fecha, dichas facultades no le han sido revocadas, modificadas, ni limitadas en forma alguna. d) Con fecha 24 de marzo de 1999, la SCT le otorgó un título de concesión de Red Pública de Telecomunicacionesy Aviso de Transmisión Bidireccional de Datos de fecha 1 de Marzo de 2004, conforme al Acuerdo de Convergencia de fecha 7 de Octubre de 2003. e) Cuenta con los elementos necesarios y suficientes de infraestructura, personal y tecnología, para concluir con elpresente proyecto y prestar a EL CLIENTE los servicios descritos en la cláusula primera del presente Contrato. Expuesto lo anterior, las partes convienen en otorgar las siguientes: CLÁUSULAS: PRIMERA. Tv Rey se compromete a hacer todas las gestiones necesarias para estar en condiciones de prestar los servicios de TELEVISION,INTERNET,TELEFONIA, contratados por el cliente a más tardar dentro del término de 12 meses , contados a partir de la firma del presente instrumento y del día de la entrega del servicio. SEGUNDA. El cliente le entrega a TV Rey la cantidad de $14,748.00 por concepto de pago de un año adelantado de servicios de TRIPLE FULL 250 (BASICO, INTERNET 250 MBPS, TELEFONIA ILIMITADA LL, LDN, EEUU/CAN, 100 MIN. CELULAR 044/045) ,mismos que comenzarán a correr a partir de que se inicie a prestar dicho servicio en el domicilio del cliente. TERCERA. En virtud de que se requieren 200 doscientos clientes que paguen los servicios de un año por adelantado o un monto promedio a los 2 millones de pesos, esto por la variación de los planes a elegir por el cliente para estar en condiciones con desarrollar el presente proyecto de servicios residencial, las partes acuerdan que en caso de que no se reúnan los 200 doscientos clientes firmados y pagados, o un monto promedio a los 2 millones de pesos, o que el presente proyecto no fuera concluido por cualquier causa o que en caso de que al cliente no se le pudieran prestar los servicios en el tiempo convenido, TV Rey le regresará el pago íntegro al cliente, sin responsabilidad o pena para ninguna de las partes. CUARTA. MODIFICACIONES. Las partes convienen que cualquier modificación a los términos del presente contrato deberá ser negociada por escrito por "EL CLIENTE" con "EL PRESTADOR". No se aceptará como válida cualquier modificación a los términos de este contrato acordada en forma verbal por las partes. QUINTA. UNIDAD DEL CONTRATO. En el supuesto de que una o más de las estipulaciones contenidas en el presente contrato se llegara a declarar como inválida por ministerio de ley o por mandamiento de autoridad judicial, el resto de las cláusulas aquí contenidas, continuarán con plena validez y efecto jurídico entre las partes. SEXTA. CASO FORTUITO Y FUERZA MAYOR. En caso de cualquier evento que constituya o pudiese constituir un caso de Fuerza Mayor o Caso Fortuito, ninguna de las Partes estará obligada a cumplir con el presente contrato siempre que la parte que haya sido prevenida para el cumplimiento de este Contrato no hubiese contribuido con dicha Fuerza Mayor o Caso Fortuito, hubiese utilizado todos los esfuerzos razonables para evitar el Caso Fortuito o de Fuerza Mayor para aminorar sus efectos y continúe tomando acciones dentro de su poder para cumplir tanto como sea posible con los términos de este Contrato, siempre que la notificación sea efectiva dentro de las 48 (cuarenta y ocho) horas siguientes a su acontecimiento. En vista de las disposiciones anteriores cuyo cumplimiento no haya sido afectado, las disposiciones continuarán siendo estrictamente acatadas por cada una de las partes. SÉPTIMA. CESIÓN. Las Partes acuerdan que "EL CLIENTE" no podrá ceder o transmitir en cualquier forma, sus derechos derivados del presente contrato sin el consentimiento previo y por escrito del prestador; conviniendo las Partes para tal efecto que cualquier cesión en violación a este acuerdo será nula. OCTAVA. MODIFICACIONES AL CONTRATO: El presente contrato no podrá ser modificado, enmendado o resuelto, salvo acuerdo previo y por escrito de las partes que en él intervienen y siempre y cuando las modificaciones de que se trate no resulten en forma alguna violatorias de las Leyes de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, o de alguna de sus entidades federativas. NOVENA. JURISDICCIÓN Y COMPETENCIA: En caso de que surja cualquier controversia entre las partes relacionada con la interpretación y cumplimiento del presente contrato, las mismas están de acuerdo en sujetarse expresamente a la jurisdicción y competencia de las leyes y tribunales Civiles en la ciudad de Sahuayo, Michoacán, renunciando expresamente a partir de este momento a cualquier otro fuero que en razón de su domicilio presente o futuro o por cualquier otra causa les pudiera corresponder. LEÍDO Y ACEPTADO que fue el presente Contrato en todos sus términos, haciéndose sabedores las partes de los alcances, obligaciones y consecuencias que implica lo ratificaran en su contenido y lo firman en su contenido y lo firman en Guadalajara Jalisco el día 12 de marzo del 2018
  5. Sorry, but contracts ARE NOT a 2-way street. 'Contracts are a two way street. If Ilox concludes from communications that a customer is not going to be happy no matter what, they will terminate and refund your money. What else would you have them do?' At the very least, they are a 3-way street with governemnt anc ourts being the 3rd party. Under no system of law thatI know about, except maybe an authoriitarian one, can a contract be unilaterally cancelled by one of the 2 or more contracted parties except for some kind of a breach of contract. TWhat else would I have expected them to do besides follow contract law? Follow contract law: provide the contracted services to the other contracting party or prove to a 3rd disisnterested arbitor of justice that they did and the complianing party is in error. Unilaterally cancelling a contract is not legal, let alone an ethical business practice. There were many options as opposed to a unilaterl cancellation of a contract with barely 12 hours notice and NO previous communication from that party in the entirety of the 6 day period between installation and cancellation of a supposedly legal and binding contract. Other options? A meeting between the parties? A communication or consultation between the disagreeing parties? This wasn't just a withdrawal of a contracted internet service; it was also a cancellation of a contracted PHONE service surely not an allowed action by the Mexican Federal Commission of Telecommunications (Comisión Federal de Telecomunicaciones) (CoFeTel). Irrespective of what this Ilox person (or you, or anyone else for that matter) thinks of me, a unilateral cancellation of a contract because of dissatisfaction with the provided service or alleged disrepect is not legal grounds for the unilateral cancellation of a contract. The more i read postings on this board, the more I am amazed at the people with alleged expertise in one area extending it to the entirity of human knowledge.
  6. You might be better off getting a boilerplate e-mail from the CEO of Ilox as opposed to the e-mail I received from him notifying me that he was unilaterally cancelling my contract. I can only assume that his company's nonresponsiveness to my pointing out that my internet speed varied between 440 kbps and 100 mbps whn i had signed up for and paid for the Triple Double, the most expensive of Ilox' offerings, supposedly including 250/300 mbps. This was the e-mail I received from him, and tyhe only contact I had from the company, 5 days after installation. I guess he found the e-mails i sent to a not-disinterested-but-allegedly-nonaffiliated 3rd party with c/c to him (not knowing at the time he was CEO, thinking he was an employee somehow responsible for handling problems, which in retrospect I guess he was, but didn't) disrespectful. 'We do not have any issues on the area now that could be affecting your connection, I guess the connection, equipment or service you are using could be having either configuration issues or not being properly used. I will instruct on your contract to be fully reimbursed and have my technicians on the morning to pick up the equipment and line installed.' So much for having a contract.
  7. This in spite of their promise to have a local office staffed with English speakers!
  8. There wereb a series of e-mails to a not-disinterested, but allegedly unaffiliated 3rd party which were cc to Ilox. There were many and I'm not about to get into a spittissing contest about who said what and when and to who including requests not to publish. I know this: I was not provided with the agreed upon service; I complained; as the issue escalated, so did my responses to this 3rd party; during this process several other parties became involved. In any case, Ilox never contacted after the initial complaint which was filed by the original installer. Neither did Ilox ever respond to the original complaint. The following has little or nothing to do with the roiginal complaibnt, but I mention it to illustrate how many compmnaies handle their custimer service. Before and during the original installation, my wife and I were told by 5 different Ilox people when we requested to cancel the TV service that we could not because 'You have a contract!" Some contract. Without ever communicating with me in any fashion at all in response to my issues, my so-called 'contract' was unilaterally cancelled by Ilox. The no- disinterested, but allegedly unaffiliated 3rd party even went so far as to allege that Ilox was in its right to do so. As i said, I wish Ilox the best because that would best serve my commiunity. If I were ever dumb enough to file a complaint with the authorities, 'dumb enough' because what would I win if I won? (more 'service' from Ilox), the entire documented series of e-mails would be produced. Since that will never be the case, this will be the end of it. Believe who and what you wish.
  9. Ask Ilox why the speed drops like that (Mine omce went to 440kbps, yes'k'). I assume that they will tell you the same thing that they told me. It's your fault; your devices aren't able to handle the speed, or we only promosed 'up tp.' or your cables are inadequate, this in spite of the fact i was using cables that Ilox supplied. All of this in spite of the fact that I had a brand new TV, the other a bit over a year old, and that my speeds varied between that 440kbps and 100mbps and that I had signed up for the 250/300 mbps Triple Double package. Never once did Ilox respond. Until this from the Ilox President, Ing. Víctor Godínez "We are only responsable up to the modem, if you have additional equipment in your house witch doesn't properly work or is not properly configured we are not responsible for that. Also remember internet is a world wide interconnect from servers and computers, if a server in Buffalo or a router somewhere else has limits on line this is proper of internet. Anyway, I have already instructed for reimbursement of your contract and technicians should be in your house tomorrow to remove equipment, a check will be sent to local office for you to pickup on Thursday. Service will be cancelled in the morning in case you need to change equipment connection.' Great service. I'm sure this type of service will minmimize complaints because if you make a strong enough complaint, they will cancel your contract, UNILATERALLY! Which, of course, means that you really don't have a contract. Even so, i have to wish Ilox the best because i want the best for my community. But, don't wait for me to spit on them if I see them on fire!
  10. Vicente Guerreo 192, Jocotepec, tel. (01-387) 763-2331 should be open
  11. Ferret is not only correct about Computer Guy, his methods and ethics, but he is also correct when he sez "There's absolutely no point telling someone that their router is the problem without proving it. " But, I have been told that by a different computer 'expert' and by inference the President of Ilox.
  12. cafemediterraneo sez: Now our main phone doesn't work ,only the one in the casita that runs through the modem. Weren't they supposed to work through the houses electrical system? Also having some difficulty getting good reception in the house.... what to do? Computer Guy sez in response: They offer excellent and responsive technical support. I say, I can't speak for the excellence of their technical support because I didn't receibe any. I can speak to the responsiveness of that support. I NEVER recieved a response... until i received a 10 PM e-mail from the president of the company telling me that he wascancelling my service the next morning. They did. Go figure: They offer excellent and responsive technical support.
  13. My devices are quite close to the modem (less than 10 feet at most, some 6 feet) and my wi-fi reception is rarely any better than telemes and almost always much worse. The buffering, stalling, complete loss is driving me nuts. I have tried direct wiring and it doesn't work on my TCL-ROKU TV or my desktop. What to do? Except hope ILOX will provide the necessary service to fix this disaster.
  14. The following is far from being the case: "the unfamiliar corporation requesting money from a large number of people." Tom, please explain this to the unelightend.
  15. I have a Magic Jack gratis (or a 6-pak, your choice) to the first PMer who will come and pick it up.
  16. The USA President sez you are wrong Computer Guy! Just because one does not understand the physics of the universe does mean it doesn't exist if one denies it often enough and loud enough. If anyone doubts this, all they have to do is read many of the posts here arguing the same thing. Let's see if anyone can 'trump' this!
  17. "She" being your insurance agent, and not Sonia?
  18. Thanks for info on pump, but again, the number of panels doesn't tell anyone anything. What tells someone something is the number of watts of those panels.
  19. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-new-technology-could-make-solar-panels-significantly-cheaper-and-more-available-for-those-in-need/ar-BBBj9un
  20. Number of panels is useless information. Well said. Much information could be gathered by those who want to know more about solar electricity if those who already have solar electricity would provide pertinent information.
  21. use the best $250 MX per hour for 2 NO entertainment tax for laughter martita.fey60@gmail.com
  22. Julie

    am interested in those chairs

    when can i see them


  23. lester


    i have been out of town until today


    the box is available


    amazon had raised their price back to normal but i will stick with the $85


    i need a few days to settle in so try me at egwphd@gmail.com wed or thur and we will make arrangements

  24. Don't think so. Get every [posting, not every topic which is what i want.

  25. 20 liters or https://www.wordnik.com/words/garrafon The standard water container sold (and exchanged at water purification plants) throughout Mexico is the 19-liter (5-gallon) plastic carboy called a garrafon.
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