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espíritu del lago

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Posts posted by espíritu del lago

  1. https://www.google.com/search?q=cool+looking+chickens+breeds&client=ms-android-lge-rev2&prmd=isvn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwixpY7_uonjAhVbBs0KHS3_BB4Q_AUoAXoECA4QAQ&cshid=1561631596281&biw=320&bih=489

    Just a few of the chickens he has. He also has dwarf nubian milking goats. As a matter a fact he just has a new baby goat born 2 days ago. What a cutie! 

    He has quite a set up. Honey bees, sells seasonal fruit and veggies, a pecan orchard, peach orchard and lives on the Guadalupe River in Texas near Blanco.  He also sells organic goat milk. His best goat milk customers are mother's who buy for their children. They come from Dallas area, Houston and San Antonio just for his milk. 

  2. Do mind sharing your recipe? I have a friend who sells quail eggs, duck eggs, and free range eggs. Some of his free range chicken eggs are blue, green, speckled, brown. 

    You should see his chickens! They have feathered fluffy feet. Cockatoo head feathers. 

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