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Everything posted by ficklepie

  1. Christ almighty, people, she wrote why in the original post why: "He would have been 89 next Tuesday." Y'all just have to learn how to read.
  2. ficklepie


  3. Not sure where you're sourcing your info, but according to Wikipedia he's transgender: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Eddie_Izzard Izzard is transgender,[74] identifying as "somewhat boy-ish and somewhat girl-ish".[4] When asked what pronouns he prefers, Izzard said "either 'he' or 'she.'"[75] In the past, Izzard identified as a transvestite, and he has also called himself "a lesbian trapped in a man's body"[76] and "a complete boy plus half girl".[77] Izzard started to publicly identify as transvestite in venues such as the Edinburgh Festival as early as 1992.[78][79] His stance is that the way he dresses is neither part of his performance nor a sexual fetish. He said "I don’t call it drag; I don’t even call it cross-dressing. It’s just wearing a dress...It’s not about artifice. It’s about me just expressing myself."[80] He remarks in his show Unrepeatable that "women wear what they want and so do I". He has expressed a belief that being transgender is caused by genetics and that someday this will be scientifically proven, having gone so far as to have his own genome sequenced.[81]
  4. The less they're open the better.
  5. He thinks Mexicans are criminals, rapists and drug deals. He does need help.
  6. Your opinion was boring.
  7. Psilocybe cubensis grow around here in fields on cow pies and local variety around here looks mostly like any other cubensis you've seen (see photo taken last year in Mezcala). Just look for the golden cap growing out of cow dung, then check for bruising. They have that same faraetenaceos scent as up north. It's probably the most common variety found in this area. Psilocybe mexicana, of course, can be found around here. Psilocybe zapotecorum is another common mushroom in Jalisco. Hunting season is approximately August (aka Hongosto) until October or so. Check out this video about mushrooms of Mexico on YouTube.
  8. The needs are constantly changing. The firefighters are good for water and food for the moment. As of yesterday evening what they need now are heavy-duty rakes, square-tipped shovels, latex gloves, electrolyte powder/packages (not liquid), and disinfectants like Pinol, Cloro & Fabuloso. They do not need more food and water and the moment.
  9. How much THC is in it? Anything more than 1%, as I'm sure you know, would be illegal. Not that I care. But the cartel would.
  10. I thought advertising was prohibited on this board?
  11. It seems you've forgotten that you're not in Asia, dude. So egg drop soup made by a Thai chef living in the backwaters of Mexico costs 80 pesos? Big whoop. Settle on your 25 pesos burgers from the plaza in San Antonio.
  12. The lake is filthy dirty. That's a fancy trick that Todd Stong does every year, but to what end? He's trying to prove that the lake isn't polluted... when it is? Forget about the lake itself -- its pollution travels from the water, through the air and to the towns along the lake. (Read this for more info about that: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-mexico-health-village/murky-business-a-hunt-for-answers-as-children-fall-sick-around-mexico-lake-idUSKBN1DY11E) The lake is polluted with heavy metals. Tests confirm this -- just go to Mezcala and check out the huge banner they've posted on the quiósco about this. UNESCO or some similar organization was involved. Certainly trust them much more than some guy named Todd Stong who EVERYONE always brings up whenever lake pollution is mentioned. Compared to even 10 years ago, the lake is filthier than ever -- much filthier than the East Coast of the United States. But compared to 50 years ago, the lake is a radioactive nightmare. Anyone who has been here that long will tell you the lake used to be crystal clear. But, if you don't mind a little kidney disease, go for a swim. A little town not too far from Ajijic has the second-highest kidney disease rate in the world. https://www.google.com.mx/search?ei=o1iyWoWfAfHn5gKLkJhQ&q=kidney+disease+lake+chapala&oq=kidney+disease+lake+chapala&gs_l=psy-ab.3..33i21k1j33i160k1l2.5878.13061.0.13213.
  13. Obviously, self-appointed expert Todd Strong is wrong.
  14. sunshine59, can you post the video on some place such as YouTube?
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