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Everything posted by Mostlylost

  1. Not a problem for me. Call them. They respond quickly to calls.
  2. Originated on facebook... What else is new. Wouldn't the world be so much better off without the social media apps?
  3. This has been all over the GDL and national TV stations. Pictures and the brand name. On the radio news as well. It is amazing how anyone would think of buying.
  4. I have both DHL and FedEx scheduled for pick ups Wednesday. I will ask both drivers
  5. Actually I had prime with my US account, at the same time as my Mexico account had prime. Because I don't order enough product for US delivery it was a waste of money to keep the US prime. When I can access US prime video content with my Mexican prime account
  6. Government of Chapala reports "As of May 6, 2020, official data showed that the municipality of Chapala has registered no positive cases of Covid-19, while 16 suspected cases tested negative and there were six suspected cases whose results have not yet been reported". Laguna, the local Chapala newspaper as of today has no reports. El Informador says Jalisco reports as of yesterday no cases in Chapala The Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico as of last night no cases in Chapala https://www.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/f0f10e692a814fd8aa8afc7f8575f5d2 A private facebook group has the correct info WOW ... Isn't social media wonderful... If it's true make it public with verifiable reliable sources.
  7. Possibly there might be people who are highly allergic to stings and could die. Wasps can build nests near doors and do get aggressive if their nests are disturbed. And wasps, unlike bees, can sting multiple times in a second or two.
  8. The Jalisco sanitary checkpoints were installed way before the Easter holidays. They were in effect last weekend on the highways to Manzanillo, Chapala/Ocotlan-Mexico, Tepic-PV, Lagos de Moreno. Probably remain until Jalisco lifts the stay in house. The Chapala Resident Checkpoint (and those of many other cities) has nothing to do with the "Sanitary Filters" Jalisco and various other states have in place. Video of the filter from Chapala to GDL
  9. Has anyone that has a non resident spouse that does have a SS number and receives SS payments, received the payment?
  10. That is because the website is only updated once a day at night.
  11. Can you explain why the 4K is necessary?
  12. Reading the death stats published daily regarding Jalisco. Almost every one has at least 2 or 3 underlying problems. The majority have diabetes, obesity and hypertension. .
  13. A suggestion is that you cancel your order. Re-order from a merchant that has the green symbol of FULL. (you can modify your search on the left for only FULL results) Those items ship from Mercadolibre's warehouse and usually is 1 day to Chapala. I received a Saturday AM purchase on Sunday about 1pm Right now there is a huge problem with FedEx, Estafeta, and DHL because of the volume of deliveries.
  14. There has been no announcement of the Sanitary checkpoints closing. On the hwy to the airport the backup can be very large.
  15. https://articulo.mercadolibre.com.mx/MLM-754415007-firetv-stick-2020-1-mes-gratis-alexa-funcionando-100-_JM?searchVariation=49939096667&quantity=1&variation=49939096667#searchVariation=49939096667&position=5&type=item&tracking_id=285b90bf-a935-48d2-907a-44aaa052cdbe https://www.amazon.com.mx/Fire-TV-Stick-Basic-Edition/dp/B01ETRGE68/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?__mk_es_MX=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&keywords=fire+stick&qid=1589235452&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUFOVlQwRlg0VEZWUTcmZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTAwNjg0NzgyTjJET0dTMzlGR1lZJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA0NzkxMzgyVjNONEE5MTY3RlZNJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==
  16. Just to clarify, there is no such thing as an "Amazon US" or "Amazon MX" account. You have an account with Amazon, period. You can use it on either website, along with it's attendant shipping addresses and payment methods. NOT TRUE Actually I have an Amazon US account. I also have a Amazon Mexico account . I have Prime on my Mexican account. . So you certainly can have both. My Mexican prime is far cheaper than the US prime account. I can watch Prime in Mexico and when visiting USA it works with US Prime viewing content.
  17. If you were happy with their service they are open. Norma is still there and her husband the atty still handles problems.
  18. I would highly suggest that you go with the gardener to the recaudadora to verify that he pays the taxes and fees and that the transfer is completed. If not you will will be legally liable until that takes place.
  19. May 5th Although health officials are still learning about the transmission of the coronavirus, there is no evidence that it can spread from an infected person through food they have handled or prepared, according to Harvard Health. is the statement. No mention is made of masks, or gloves etc. If someone frequents restaurants where food prep people and waiters sneeze on food, then they need to think about changing the restaurants they visit.
  20. National flights have no citizenship requirement. If you are staying in Mexico now no problem. If not then the question is how to get to Tijuana. Since tourism is suspended between the US and Mexico, you probably can not enter Mexico unless your are Mexican, or have a Residente Permante of Residente Temporal.
  21. Who is reporting a confirmed case in Santa Cruz? Jalisco as of last night had not, nor the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Casos Activos En Jalisco el municipio Chapala ...NO presenta casos activos,
  22. May 5th Although health officials are still learning about the transmission of the coronavirus, there is no evidence that it can spread from an infected person through food they have handled or prepared, according to Harvard Health.
  23. We have been told numerous times by may sources that you can't contact covid through food itself. Hopefully this is correct and won't change.
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