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Everything posted by Mostlylost

  1. 31 January 2024 Visa rate 17.131017 Mastercard rate 17.101296 (Present day's rate was available at 3:05 PM EST)
  2. Depending on the size you want you could have a cantera craftsman carve one for you if you have enough pictures.
  3. Do have an account with SS at https://www.ssa.gov/ ? You might be able to handle the problem using that website. Also you can call them (it will be a wait on the phone) from a US number 800-772-1213 from a mexican number 001-880-772-1213
  4. It would be helpful to know what hologran are you asking about to be able to respond to your question.
  5. 30 January 2024 Visa rate 17.124717 Mastercard rate 17.173013 (Present day's rate was available at 3:05 PM EST)
  6. I would assume yesterdays rate. I am guessing that Mastercard is seeing more changes during the peak times that FX trades are being made and thus waiting to update rates at that time.
  7. 29 January 2024 Visa rate 17.123917 Mastercard rate 17.133291(Present day's rate was available at 2:30 PM EST)
  8. 28 January 2024 Visa rate 17.123917 Mastercard rate 17.133291(Present day's rate was available at 3:05 PM EST)
  9. Just a suggestion. Questions like these should be asked when you actually know when and if you are moving to Mexico. Things change in Mexico all the time especially with new administrations... There will be a new federal government after September 2024.
  10. Easiest $4000 they will make. No need to pay anyone to do it for you. You have will have done the hard part at the consulate where you live. Still planning on maybe in 2025?
  11. 27 January 2024 Visa rate 17.123917 Mastercard rate 17.133291(Present day's rate was available at 3:05 PM EST)
  12. Paco at` ESSENTIALS 4HOME Message or whatsapp 332-164-8931 email: 2goessentialsinfo@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/people/Essentials-4Home/100089070616934/?mibextid=PlNXYD (you do not need have facebook to view) Speaks excellent English and does not charge "Gringo prices"
  13. You do not go to Chapala City Hall. Migracion is a federal process. There is an office here. They are very helpful and speak some English. It is a simple process and they will help you and it will require more than one trip. Very common procedure at this office. 9am-1pn Monday-Friday I understand you are thinking of doing this next year. Procedures do change from time to time. Here is the location at this time. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Instituto+Nacional+De+MigraciĆ³n+-+INM/@20.2917654,-103.1991113,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipOPoxlykHPGm8QL0crFXDMBlzUUqNYoBY0zt9s3!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipOPoxlykHPGm8QL0crFXDMBlzUUqNYoBY0zt9s3%3Dw86-h114-k-no!7i3120!8i4160!4m7!3m6!1s0x842f40cf6583e42f:0x21379d7d9f89286a!8m2!3d20.2919317!4d-103.1990785!10e5!16s%2Fg%2F11fxzskmwy?entry=ttu
  14. So So your statement "A lot of the places here don't accept USA, Canadian or foreign credit cards." was about a long toime ago, and/or referrring to business that don't take any card payment? Sorry if I was confused. I have ccards from NOB and Mexico. I have never had a merchant refuse my NOB card in Mexico. Since I have family with houses in both PV and Bucerias i have used my NOB cards there for years and never had a problem in restaurants or stores. . With the advent of cell based POS terminals and cheap processing systems many business that would have a problem with a bank terminal are entering the ccard market. Sunday I bought drinks at a temporary bar by the plaza and they accepted my NOB ccard.
  15. This is a lesson for everybody. Experts recomend to NEVER use a debit card to purchase. Your debit card is direct link to your account. if compromised the money is out of your account. You notify the financial institutionand they will have to return the money to your account after they have investigated the charge. Meanwhile your money is gone ...not the financial institution's. If you need that money for bills, etc it is not there. When a credit card is compromised you notify the fiancial institution. They put a hold on the charge. You do not owe it, there is no interest charged, until the ccard company investigates. After their investigation they wil either cancel the charge, or put it through.
  16. 26 January 2024 Visa rate 17.164117 Mastercard rate 17.133291 (Present day's rate was available at 3:05 PM EST)
  17. Curious What places in Mexico (other than federal government offices) have you not been able to use a foreign Visa or Mastercard?
  18. So the best way for you and your friend to stop your "childish" interaction is to not reply to this post.
  19. Perhaps you missed it, but I had already posted the information regarding what LADA is . You were obviously upset because I corrected your error on posting 376 was the area code for Jalisco after my post. Your Voir dire friend added to the comments (they always react to your posts within seconds ..odd) . Yes it is silly yet you continue.. So the best way for you and your friend to stop your "childish" interaction is to not reply to this post. May you both have a beautiful day.
  20. Or possibly someone might want to exchange money and want to know if it is a good day to do so???? Or what the trend is to see if they should wait?? By the number of views I guess maybe there are a lot of obsessive folks here.
  21. That would be an ATM fee would it not? I will wait for Ibarra to like your response within 10 seconds hahahaha
  22. No Give me a break You posted "Estado de Jalisco" ...What if the person lives in Racket Club where many people say I live in Chapala The area code for Jocotepec is 387 I would think the OP knows their area code and your Jalisco 376 was neither correct nor necessary
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