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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/25/2020 in all areas

  1. I most certainly do NOT hate Americans. I hate misinformation and am really TRYING to get people from EVERYWHERE to pay attention to this virus and to get their heads out of their butts. I don't care if the American President is Republican or Democrat as long as the job is done properly. Therefore, I am not a fan of Trump. I had nothing really critical to say about either Bush or Reagan. Tricky Dicky creeped me out. If you don't know where I'm from then you don't spend enough time on the local forums. And, btw, that was a VERY personal attack and a very twisted message. I have many, many American friends. Why don't you try improve your reading comprehension instead of just reading.
    9 points
  2. Well said Ferret, and don´t let them push you around or intimidate you! (no more reactions vote)
    6 points
  3. That would be a lot of acreage to cover. 😀
    6 points
  4. Not everyone is physically able or enjoys spending what time they have left moving wheelbarrows of dirt around, climbing ladders to fix and paint things, or do housework. Most of us have spent a lifetime doing those things and are happy to provide incomes for younger people to do it for us. It’s great that you enjoy spending your time doing such things but not everyone wants to or can.
    5 points
  5. Eric, is there no thread safe from you? "Some" people trash you for being compulsively attention seeking, eager to stick your oar into any discussion as long as you get noticed. Didn't you study that in Psych 101?
    5 points
  6. If you have bought this drug that is someone else's challenge now. The drug stores are emptied. This is yet another new low for humans / selfishness. What a nightmare for those who cannot get this drug now and need it to relieve autoimmune skin conditions and other afflictions. I have already seen people posting on Facebook that they are in trouble because the drugstores are out. How inconsiderate. Stay in and you will have no reason to go into panic mode with a chance that this will help precious you.
    3 points
  7. My maid has worked for me for the past nine years and has become a friend. She is very poor and cannot feed her kids without working. She came Friday and I gave her full pay through the end of April and told her to stay off the bus. I am immune suppressed and have no desire to get the virus so I will re-evaluate the situation then. Anyone who thinks this will last five days needs a reality check. I am middle class but, comparatively speaking, I live like a queen. With the exchange rate being what it is, her costs to me are minimal. Let's share the wealth, people. Reach out to those who are in trouble and help them. Businesses are required by law to pay minimum wages to their workers for at least a month. We should do at least that.
    3 points
  8. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO a thousand times NO! THAT'S the way I feel about topes
    2 points
  9. What a damn shame! For the wellbeing of all residents, both Mexican and expats, if you are not willing or able to self-quarantine (NO CONTACT!) for a MINIMUM of 2-weeks on arrival here, do not cross the border. There will be a shit-storm here soon enough and anyone who thinks the medical system here is up to handling it is delusional. Our only hope if for people to remain where they are- in Canada, in the US, in the Mexican town they reside in, and better yet AT HOME and stop spreading this. Asymptomatic does not equate to virus free!
    2 points
  10. Uh, huh. TOO LATE! https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2020/03/24/820981710/fact-check-u-s-testing-still-isnt-close-to-what-south-korea-has-done "At about 300,000 tests in each country, that means South Korea has tested 1-in-170 people; the United States: 1-in-1,090. That's more than six times less, per capita, than South Korea."
    2 points
  11. My wife and I moved down here in the summer of 2007, just as the Great Recession was starting to get under way up north. The buying fever was still strong here, much as it has been recently (at least until the beginning months of 2020). Then the bottom dropped out. People who had bought here on the upswing, often with money they took from their home equity loan on their US/Canadian home, were suddenly stuck with two homes they couldn't sell. They still had to carry the mortgage on the "back-home" house and they had sunk a big chunk of their net worth into their new Mexican dream home. A lot of those homes at Lakeside sat on the market for years. People refused to drop their prices because they wouldn't believe that their house was not now worth the inflated price they paid for it. Often they also sank tens of thousands into remodeling. The reality was, and always is, your house is worth exactly what someone else will pay for it, and not a dime more. The upside of all this was that for five or six years the rental market here was great. People who wouldn't drop their sales price had to rent the house out in order to produce some income. And, they could only charge what people were willing to pay in a rental market glutted with houses whose owners were desperate for tenants. So, we rented for 7 years before even considering purchasing our present home. Worked great for us and we were really glad we didn't get caught up in the buying frenzy that was happening in 2007 -- the sort of frenzy we have watched with bemusement recently. The bubble always pops. Always.
    2 points
  12. You are absolutely bat shit crazy! Where on God’s green earth do you get your information?
    2 points
  13. Then it should be called the bat virus; from the animal from which it most likely came. I assume you were trying to be accurate and not just covering the president's butt.
    2 points
  14. We are paying our maid full pay til this is over . I do not want her to be riding the bus during this time for all the reasons we know . I assume most of you pay about what we do so it's not a lot of money to us but it is everything to her . She has come to work ill before , nothing serious , and it's not just for her health but ours and everyone she comes in contact with . Our friends and neighbors seem to be doing the same as us . I would have a hard time respecting someone that leaves their help to take care of themselves during this uncertain time . We are working without a net here .We are not wealthy but if we can't afford a few hundred pesos , that we were spending anyway , to help these people , then maybe we shouldn't be here. Disagree if you must but if you do it says a lot about you, not because I say so but because it's the right thing to do. A lot less talk and a lot more positive action . Pay em , you'll sleep better.
    2 points
  15. Enforcement is too sporadic here, only "topitos" will guarantee proper speeds at all times
    2 points
  16. I am also paying my help for the duration. I do not want their exposure to be mine and anyway it is a small cost to me and real important to them. With the recent 30% change in the USD to MXN ratio it is even less a sacrifice.
    2 points
  17. Come on now Angus, we can all see that shown in the picture above is a "g"
    2 points
  18. We prepaid our workers for 5 weeks and took a large load of fresh produce and household supplies to them just ahead of the shutdown. The wife always brings us food she has cooked and the husband does all the things we can't do, from gardening to keeping our solar panels and tubes clean. We're on the poor end of the financial spectrum, but these folks are deserving of what little we have to give.
    2 points
  19. I am sure those people will read your post on this web board, realize what fools they are, and change their behavior. And, if they don’t then city officials will read your post, declare you a genius, and begin setting up the tents.
    2 points
  20. With an authoritarian regime there is only one person to blame.
    2 points
  21. I read all links. They may have been sounding the alarm but Trump sure as hell wasn't listening because "he" knows better. If you surround yourself with people who know better (aka experts in their field), it would be prudent to listen to them. Ah, I see that the Triumvirate has arrived to back up one another. Where's the testing kits? Where's the testing being done? Where's the masks? Where was the advance warning to be wary? Most definitely not prepared or ready by any stretch of the imagination. South Korea did a far better job of containing the virus. The U.S.? A big fat fail and Mexico is pulling the same stunt. Kudos to the Governors who took matters into their own hands. Flawed results based on INSUFFICIENT testing taking place. I'm done.
    2 points
  22. I agree. We are in no way out of the woods and won't be for weeks. Misinformation of this type is injurious to all.
    2 points
  23. Thank goodness. For those of you needing it for lupus or arthritis or similar, a rheumatologist just told us that he expects Guad Farmacia will be getting a shipment soon. Go and get your prescription. Please don't go buying any in case of Covid-19, the hospitals will have it if you get that bad. If anyone out there has some left over or unneeded, please take it to a rheumatologist or your doctor to get it back into circulation.
    1 point
  24. Exercise..., oh how the tables have turned... lol
    1 point
  25. Talk to your installer....he's going to Guad tomorrow! 😉
    1 point
  26. So you either get home and wash your gloves with soap and water - OR throw them away and start a shortage of gloves.
    1 point
  27. there is no need to hoard and if you cannot find beef there is plenty of alternative . Thanks for the information but no thanks..
    1 point
  28. Seeing some crazy speeds on the new autobahn through Riberas. Busses doing 90, trucks loaded down with concrete, pickups with people in the back etc. Definitely needed at 7/11 and the Sunrise locations where they used to be. Funny side story... Just before the road was repaved, they painted the topes at the Sunrise intersection , lasted exactly one day
    1 point
  29. I'm okay with sensible topes and vibradores. But what they did over the last 10 years is psychotic. Many places but here have topes big enough to slow you down, but not make you stop and/or rip out your undercarriage. And a handful of vibradores, instead of 16 monsters in a row, is more than sufficient.
    1 point
  30. Isn't this a public webboard?
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. And as they're on their way to their graves due to a lack of ventilators, may they see the light and realize that you and MC and all of the other geniuses were right all along. It's just sad that due to an incompetent administration that they won't be able to be revived in order the spread the glad tidings. Speaking of geniuses...............
    1 point
  33. Great description of the past RE market and the true nature of all RE markets Jim Cook. This one has been on a tear and is due for a correction, just like the stock market. Defer your construction projects until next year, you'll find it will be a lot easier to get the quality contractors and workers. Construction has been in a bubble too. We bought and sold into the 2007 bubble and don't expect to get what we paid for this place. OTOH we've enjoyed living in a really beautiful and well located home for 12 years and expect to live here for at least five more. I've known too many people who rent who have had to move twice or more times because the houses were sold out from under them. The three worst traumas in life, it is said, are death, divorce and moving. We've successfully avoided the last two for a long time and have no illusions about ducking the first forever. We'll roll on until we can't. BTW for the newbies here, Jim Cook is a truly talented Mexico travel blogger and photographer. His blog, "Jim and Carole's Mexico Adventure" is a great read and we keep it handy for reference before we travel. Highly recommended. https://cookjmex.blogspot.com/
    1 point
  34. No, I want to know what is being done here, it may be interesting to know what Canada and the US are doing but doesn't apply here. Now the rumor are there is a confirmed case in Joco and four others waiting for the testr results. The President of Chapala is asking those who believe they may have it to come forward and get help, etc.
    1 point
  35. Why do some people have no reality of where they live and dream of something that ain't gonna happen?🥱
    1 point
  36. Maybe we could eliminate (or most)of the need for Topes if we had strictly enforced speed limits with speed cameras..or not? Can anyone identify an other country where the norm is like driving on a corrugated wash board??
    1 point
  37. We all need them including "you" because there are many whackjob drivers around and that is what the OP has suggested,is all.
    1 point
  38. Eric, you appear to have far too much time on your hands. Perhaps you could do something that would actually be useful, like collect shopping lists from your friends and neighbors (maintaining social distancing), do all the shopping, wearing mask and gloves, and drop the shopping off at everyone's house, so fewer people have to venture out. At this point, people have a choice to be part of the solution or part of the problem. Posting whatever latest idea pops into your head is is not part of the solution.
    1 point
  39. Marisco's Peter is an excellent, consistent restaurant. We were first drawn to it in his smaller location, because it always seemed to be filled with locals. Good decision.
    1 point
  40. Well, the man from Arizona who died ingested chloroquine which was supposed to go into his KOI POND, not his mouth. That would be like me ingesting a glass of chlorine bleach straight, instead of a droplet in a pint of drinking water.
    1 point
  41. Oops, you posted in another thread about going to Bancomer, an inside business with other people away from home
    1 point
  42. We can always go tit for tat on this. Would a person Person prefer to die from the Chinese Wuhan corona virus or take a 70 year old drug which could give you a chance. https://nypost.com/2020/03/22/florida-man-with-coronavirus-says-drug-touted-by-trump-saved-his-life/
    1 point
  43. Yesterday Farmacia Maskaras had 40 boxes. Today none. What are the people to do who need it to stay comfortable with lupus or a nasty arthritis? Price is now up from 264 to 860 per box. Generic no longer available, and who knows if orders from the farmacias will be filled.
    1 point
  44. It is not the CHINA virus! Very racist!
    1 point
  45. Juan is living in a pipe dream because he is a devoted AMLO follower. Juan's source of information is Facebook for all things coronavirus. Mexico has in NO way "turned the corner" -- it has barely even started. Harry, you should delete this post because it is completely false and the link you posted isn't even about Mexico? Irresponsible. The chart you mention is also misleading. The reason why the US looks better is because of a lack of testing.
    1 point
  46. El Gato Feo Cafe in Ajijic is closing for now. We wish them success in the future as they were a nice addition to the first block of Independencia off of Morelos/Colon. They had just expanded their menu with more savory dishes like quesadillas. It is a small coffee shop with light fare, pastries, but was busy most mornings and afternoons. They hosted events including music but they were never loud; hope they make a come-back. They posted this: Unfortunately, with the recent turn of events, El Gato Feo Café must close its doors indefinitely. The business was on a great trajectory when we compared our numbers from last year and the previous month, but when Coronavirus started rearing its ugly head, the business took a sharp dive and we felt it necessary to put everything on pause until this passes. We also know that El Gato Feo Café was a great meeting spot, and at any given time we would have a large number of people in the café. With that said, we needed to do our part in helping contain the virus by not offering a large gathering space to the public. The saddest part of it all was letting our amazing staff go. You all know that most of the delight that came from the café were the smiling faces there to greet you. Ana, Chino, Liz, Yisel, Celso, Kenia and Matteo were the best employees we could have ever had the pleasure of working with. When this tragic world event passes, we will reopen our doors and you will, hopefully, see their smiling faces again. If not, it’s because they’ve moved on to better opportunities, which would make us just as happy.
    1 point
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