

The creative flow from spirit within
Only to know, just where to begin…
The spark of genius within our hearts,
Must be nourished in order to start.
Love and stillness allow you to know,
The still, small voice is part of your soul.
Thoughts slow down! Mind be still!
Creativity is very real.
Universe whispers secrets of old,
Some of them have never been told.
Love and Light are the Creator’s clay,
Mold your life for a perfect day!
We all have the tools, the answers are near,
Sing God’s glory and release your fear.
We create what we think as it flows from our hand,
Your life’s what you make it, whether steel or sand.
Life is a quest wherever we go,
Create your world, tap into the flow…
Expand your Light to your soul’s desire,
Knowing the Source will always inspire.


Dr. Bob Cave


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