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Trump effect


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I begin with a quote from the Yucatan Times of March 6, 2017: "The INM headquarters in Mexico reported that after the inauguration of Donald Trump on January 20 of this year, the arrival of Americans who applied for a residence permit in Mexico increased by 15 to 20 percent, compared to 2016."   Without delving into the politics, which I'm sure is prohibited in this forum setting, I have to take the long view of things, and I see the U.S. as adrift, floundering, on the wrong track. At first, I was only concerned about losing Medicare and SS cutbacks, but it's getting scarier. I don't think it's wise here to go into the details. You follow the news so you know.  So, first, for those expats in country, have you noticed any change in the attitudes of Mexicans, particularly those in government posts, toward US citizens? Second, for those who are would be expats, I'm wondering if the subject of this post is a driver or component of your decision-making process. Based on INM statistics, it apparently has motivated some.

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In SMA, INM visa applications dropped to 1/3 the norm starting in December with less than 20 applications a day from about 50. It started increasing lately but still down considerably. At INM, locally, we see more Asians and people from Central and South America. The Asians are often associated with the numerous new car assembly and parts manufacturers establishing in Guanajuato state. I would like to see the stats to believe them.




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Your news story is inaccurate. I checked INM SEGOB immigration to Mexico statistics and it is very close to the same number as last year. 17,849 Residente Temporal visa/cards issued, 9,276 Residente Permanentes issued. 6,356 Residente Temporales changed to Residente Permanente.



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