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    Calgary, Alberta & San Antonio Tlayacapan

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  1. As others have mentioned, it does not work if a translation is being used. You must fill out the SPANISH version.
  2. Does anyone have a location or phone number for someone named Chevy who does metal work?
  3. I didn't ask to buy the machine, ComputerGuy!😀 So, to him did I seem vulnerable/gullible/rich - I wonder. Has anyone else been charged this much?
  4. Yes this reads 34 thousand pesos. Also, he will not provide a receipt for those who could make an insurance claim.
  5. Sounds like your auto-translation is the problem. Query how to turn it off for your particular version of windows or tablet and you should be just fine!
  6. Hit the link shown above by Herm and this is what you will see. After entering your Pieza, hit the "Olvide mi contrasena button", enter your Pieza number again and your email address. They will then tell you that they will send you a new password. Seguimiento de trámite Datos de la pieza Pieza*: Contraseña*: * Campos obligatorios Buscar Olvidé mi contraseña
  7. Lost dog. It is not your email address you use to recover the password. It is the number at the top of the form (receipt) that they gave you. Joyce
  8. Thank you, AlanMexicali. The form has probably changed since you used it. There was only the Pieza numero and the NUT. We decided to visit INM today, and they said that the password is emailed to you. This had not happened to us, but today I entered our Pieza numero (include the six zeros) on the above mentioned website and hit the button to recover a password. The password has just now been emailed to us. Thank you all for your assistance! Joyce
  9. Thank you Rvgringo. Bisbee Gal mentions having already registered with INM, Does anyone know how to do this? We do not have a handwritten password on our form. We do have a NUT number and there is a Pieza number, but that is all.
  10. Could someone please give me the link to register online with INM. Or do we just wait for a registered letter with a password from INM?
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