Some Background Info On The Contest:



José-Maria-Reyes-CornejoFeria Maestros del Arte board members, Diana Ayala and Marianne Carlson, announced and presented the winners of the recent Feria-sponsored children’s art contest held this past month during the free Saturday morning art class at LCS.

Judges Bridget Andrews, Feria Board Member and Maestros José Luis Cortez Hernández and José Manuel Robles reviewed more than 50 entries. 

Winners include:

Honorable Mention –

Fatima Guadalupe Lopez Guzman

Renata Carolina Medina Cruz

Oscar Orlando Ibarra Lopez

Jose Bruno Mariscal Ortiz

Sandra Medina Castellanos

The 3rd place winner is Giselle Guadalupe Miramontes

The 2nd place winner is Rosario Lopez Garcia.  

1st place  Jose Maria Reyes Cornejo

The purpose of the concurso was to educate and remind the children of lakeside about their heritage and the importance of Mexican folk art. The Feria’s mission is to preserve and promote Mexican indigenous and folk art. 

In addition to their awards, the winners will also exhibit and sell their works at the upcoming Feria Maestros del Arte, Nov. 16-18 in Ajijic at Plaza de la Ribera.


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